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nerfed my companion but nothing changed in my game


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I decided to nerf my companion (Vilja) because I thought she was to overpowered.

So I changed her PC level offset in the ConstructionSet from -2 to -10 which means she will now be 10 levels lower than my character instead of 2.

But when I loaded my game she was still only 2 levels lower than my character.

So it seems like the game is getting this data from the save file rather than from the mod.

My question is if this will fix itself automatically if I wait long enough? Or do I have to clean the save file somehow? How?

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Ya I think you'll need to level up until you get 10 levels above her before you'll see the difference. Check after your next level up and see if she's now 3 levels below your character.

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I think that vilja's books that show her status are generated with a separate formula in the script that uses the old offset however, I could be wrong. if you haven't you should really post this on the Vilja forum.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ya I think you'll need to level up until you get 10 levels above her before you'll see the difference. Check after your next level up and see if she's now 3 levels below your character.

Nope, when I leveled up she leveled up as well.




But I've found a solution now. Just had to click on the Saves tab in Wrye Bash and right click on my saved game and select "Update NPC Levels". It updated my saved game with her new level and fixed a lot of other NPC's as well who for some reason had incorrect levels...

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