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Summonable House


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I THINK there're a few mods out there like what I'd like, but I just spent three hours searching through the place without finding it/them.


What I want is, I hope, relatively simple. Basically, I'd like the player to start of with a spell in his/her spellbook that will teleport him/her to a house. This house would be relatively simple, a cottage, really, like many of the mods I've found out there. It'll have one of them nifty OBSE shelves that will strip you of your ingredients (Like this one, and maybe even organize them (I think COBL comes with something like that?), a bed in a corner, a garden with as many plants growing in it as you (As in the one who would hopefully have an interest in making this for me) can be bothered to put in, an altar for spellmaking and enchanting, and a few bigger containers/boxes for equipment storage (No display needed). Layout is up to you.


Truthfully, there're many mods out there that might work for me (Such as the Summonable Private Quarters, that one has pretty much everything I need), but one thing I want is a spell that will teleport me to the entrance of the house/abode instantly, as well as remember the place I casted the spell and plopping me back there when I recast it. Something like a two way teleportation spell, with one end fixed to the abode, or a portal like what the SPQ has.


I don't know the first thing about modding, but I'm pretty sure that, with permission, it shouldn't be too had to modify the SPQ mod into what I need (S'far as I can see, all I need to do is add the scroll to my inventory on starting. Problem is, I don't know how to do that). Still, I'd be happy if someone could help out with this.

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-snip- but one thing I want is a spell that will teleport me to the entrance of the house/abode instantly, as well as remember the place I casted the spell and plopping me back there when I recast it. Something like a two way teleportation spell, with one end fixed to the abode, or a portal like what the SPQ has.


Check Lemunde's portable houses(Celestial Lagoon - The Rift - The Nether - The Scar of Sithis - The Spire of Apparitions).

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Well... Oh. I see what you mean. No, not something like that. At least, if by that you mean a house that I can choose to place anywhere in the world. No, that's not what I meant. Let me simplify my request.


I would like someone to make it so that the spell 'zzPrivateQuartersSummon' in the mod Summonable Private Quarters is added to the player's spellbook upon loading starting a new game.


Edit: I'm... not sure how I did it, but by mucking around and using various tools I managed to do what I requested (Putting the spell in my spellbook on start). Huh.

Edited by kirinelf
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