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my friend is moistcats lol


and my name comes from when i played runescape... like 8 years ago. my friend came up with "calliton" as a unique username... i use it for everything now.


yes... runescape... back when it was cool...ish

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The strangest I've seen would be:


WaterSoluableFish33. Strange for two reasons: firstly, water soluable is a property, anything that is water soluable breaks apart and is destroyed when put in water, for example, bread falls apart abd turns to mush in water, or some paints that wash off when wet, or some glue. Secondly, why are there 32 other WaterSoluableFish out there?


Sheperd(number) this stupid girl was the single most idiotic Halo player I've ever met. She logged into a game of FireFight saying "Im CPT. Sheperd and I'm awesome" and then proceeded to select the "spectre" class simply because she thought it would make her, as a Mass Effect fan, invincible. it didnt. She grabbed an M-318 AGL grenade launcher, a punishingly powerful long range bombardment weapon, said "I got the shotgun" and ran straight headlong at a sword wielding Elite General. She shot the Elite in the crotch and she, not the elite, exploded into guts when the grenade went off. She then said "what happened then, why did the Alien explode?" I punched her flat. we were better off that way.


Reason for fail: fangirlism taken waaaay too far, lost contact with reality.


XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXTyroneXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX: Obvious really, I dont know what this guy was thinking, maybe satyre, but it didnt work, he just looked stupid.


Vindekarr: A combination of the main phonetic elements of my real name mixed with a corruption on "Vindicare" a death cult of the WarHammer 40,000 universe. It came from my COH days, when my entire SG had a 40K theme, and my particular character had variants on Imperial Guard units, a Kommisar, a Kasrkin, and a Vindicare. It stuck as a nickname long after i left the SG and COH itself, as I had by the time I left become a top ranking command member, and eventualy the overall leader during it's height of power and popularity-power that I was responsible for it attaining-it still remains my most successful guild in any MMO.

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@LFC: Out of all things to screw up on, it had to be your username? lol.


Mine comes from a personal idea regarding how we all react under Internet facades and avatars. Partly because what goes on the Internet, stays on the Internet. Somewhere, it's there.


@V: What if 33 is that person's favorite number? Can't assume 32 others. Still, we people are so illogical. :) That's the online world for you.

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I've had my username for years. I think it was originally a name from Greek (or Roman? It sounds Greekish) mythology, but I misspelled it horribly.


I'd say it's time for a change, but everyone knows me by this name. It's not worth all the extra work and confusion. :P

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Mine came from "Bargonian Adventures", I think part 11 or something like part 10-13.


Some person, replying to my comment "I just realised that the necklass from (some NPC in Bruma) while looking exactly like Amulet of Kings, is missing a few jewels on the side." The person replying said "No, it is the omelet of the king, you idiot." Obviously it wasn't.



Then I named myself Omelette


When I joined Battlefield Heroes, I decided to use that as my username, but it already existed, so I added 'r' at the end.


Ta daa!



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When I registered here in spring 2002 at the age of 14 years (it was still the predecessor forum), I accidentally wrote Surena with an additional "s". Pooh happens... :wacko:
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