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crappy ending :(


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Empires are not Democracies


Empires don't automatically make Heroes king


Democracies don't automatically make Heroes king either.


entire pretext of question is basically flawed


Real world does not work according to your wish




the ancient definition of Tyrant clearly applies here


not to mention . . .


you did not raise an army to take over the realm


and you did not stage a coup to replace the legal government




your entire presupposition is flawed.


for further consideration


Joan d'Arc was not on the short list for new monarch of France.


Montgomery had no chance of replacing King George


Guderian was not an automatic (political) threat to the "Leader" after his conquests.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't think the player should assume the role of Emperor. Why? Well, here's my own personal example and I'm sure a lot of people can relate - I've completed all of the guild questlines and am basically in charge of every guild in Cyrodiil, yet I can't be bothered to stop by for five minutes to check in on any of those guilds, not even to collect the money and rewards some of them leave you. I downloaded a mod that rebuilds Kvatch and allows you to become Count, and you know what? Boring...not the mod, but sitting in a dingy old castle holding a royal title. Can you picture this scenario?


Messenger: "I bring an important message from the other provinces of Tamriel. Where is the Emperor?"


Chancellor Ocato: "He's crawling around in some dirty cave in the wilderness fighting mud crabs..."


Having that kind of Emperor would be worse than no Emperor at all. I have a hard enough time accepting the lead role of all of those guilds, but the idea of having the entire empire under your rule is even harder to stomach. Just become Sheogorath, at least you can control the weather in the Shivering Isles.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Actually, I could totally see the main character becoming the new emperor/empress. All it would take would be some "creative liberties" with the truth:



Ocato: By the Nine! What happened here?


Me: Martin sacrificed himself to stop Dagon. He's gone.


Ocato: But then we have no emperor! The Septim blood is gone forever!


Me: Yeah, about that. As his last act, Emperor Martin named me his heir and successor.


Ocato: ...Is that true?


Me: Yes. Yes it is.


Ocato: But even so, this is most unprecedented. What will people...


Me: I just saved Tamriel more or less single-handedly. Have you been to Bruma lately? Seen that huge statue they have of me? Seriously, the people love me,


Ocato: Yes, but...


Me: I also know most of the counts and countesses personally, and half of them are in my debt for life. And I'm the archmage, the master of the fighter's guild, and the Divine Crusader who leads the Knights of the Nine. Plus, I control basically the entire criminal underworld.


Ocato: But we can't just... Wait, you do?


Me: Pretty much. Honestly, at this point making me empress would mostly be a formality.


Ocato: ...


Me: Did I mention that I am also Sheogorath, Deadric Prince of Madness and the ruler of the Shivering Isles?


Ocato: ...So, when would you like us to hold the crowning ceremony, my empress?

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i agree with majikmonkee : / picture fable 3, but in oblivion, sure both great games alone, but not good with each other


heres why:


-being "king" makes you pretty much immune to the law, you can just go ahead and kill everything with no punishment, and what fun is that?


-in fable, you pretty much do all the king stuff first, but oblivion has limitless possibilities, what if dagon is attacking again, and you're jerking around trying to "find the unicorn in the wilderness guarded by 2 minotaurs"


- Oblivion has an unending time span, something new would have to happen every few hours, and eventually it will get repetitive and boring


-also, how would you become the emperor? sure everyone in all of cyrodill (for the most part) owes their life and then some to you, but just like fonger said you didnt get elected or are of royal blood, your not divine or anything, your a regular old dinky "hero" that was in the right place at the right time and just so happened to have saved the world because of luck :P


nuff said ^_^

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My big problem is that even for true role players who commit to just one guild leadership (say there is someone playing a serious mage who really wants to take on the role of arch mage), there's really no responsibility or benefits beyond just the minor perks (like the ingredient spawning chest). Battlemages still say "you must be the arcane universities newest addition" when you are arch mage, and the scholars don't even talk to you. Sort of diminishes the value of the role of "guild leader", and discourages taking it seriously if you ask me. Mods I've seen that allow you to become a city leader (such as the Kvatch rebuilt mods) just usually wind up having you sit in a throne and do nothing. Nobody even comes by to shoot the breeze with you or anything. Booring...
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Back to the original point, I was considering the ending of the main quest, and realized that it can be viewed as a "happy ending" if you're playing a truly evil character. "But Dagon is defeated, how is that happy for bad characters?" Simple. For the truly evil character, Mehrunes Dagon and his army are nothing more than another obstacle standing in the way of player domination. The regular Daedra don't side with you and Dagon would just as soon destroy you. So, next time you're playing the main quest with a character who's still "likeable enough" to be able to complete the main quest, just consider it part of your own evil scheme to let the Septims and Dagon destroy each other, because that's what it boils down to.
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i agree with majikmonkee : / picture fable 3, but in oblivion, sure both great games alone, but not good with each other


heres why:


-being "king" makes you pretty much immune to the law, you can just go ahead and kill everything with no punishment, and what fun is that?


Eh. By the time you are Grey Fox you can basically steal anything you want and kill anyone with impunity as well, and it won't even effect your karma.


-in fable, you pretty much do all the king stuff first, but oblivion has limitless possibilities, what if dagon is attacking again, and you're jerking around trying to "find the unicorn in the wilderness guarded by 2 minotaurs"


This is Oblivion we're talking about, the game were you can leave vital questlines hanging for months and it won't matter. Dagon himself can be stomping around in the middle of the Imperial capital, it still won't make any differance until you show up and deal with it.


- Oblivion has an unending time span, something new would have to happen every few hours, and eventually it will get repetitive and boring


So if you're the emperor, how is that different from the way things normally are? The game has a finite amount of quests, so eventually you will run out of new things to do unless you install more stuff via mods.


-also, how would you become the emperor? sure everyone in all of cyrodill (for the most part) owes their life and then some to you, but just like fonger said you didnt get elected or are of royal blood, your not divine or anything, your a regular old dinky "hero" that was in the right place at the right time and just so happened to have saved the world because of luck :P


Actually, this kind of thing does happen. See, the whole royal blood thing is a nice romantic idea, but actual kingdoms and empires are still founded on good old fashion politics and common sense. If a particular bloodline dies out, all it takes is for the guys left in charge -Ocato and the Elder Council, in this case- to decide on who will gets to wear the shiny hat. (Because the alternative is civil war and nobody likes that.) I'm from Sweden and we've had something like eleven Royal houses. The most recent shift was 1810 when the last of the Holstein-Gottorp house died without an heir, kinda like the Septims but way less dramatic. The one they picked out to be the new king was this guy:




Jean-Baptiste Bernadotte, the then Marshall of France. He didn't have anything to do with Swedish royalty - heck, he wasn't even Swedish! And he absolutely wasn't some kind of epic hero who'd saved the world from a demon invasion. They just thougth: "Yeah, this guy would make a good king, plus it might keep Napoleon from invading us. Let's ask him." They did, and he was like: "Sure!" And the Bernadottes are still the Royal House today.


And that was just because we didn't want to inconvenience ourselves with switching to being a republic or something. It's not like the king was actually important at that point. In Oblivion, they had a whole damn empire suddenly without any emperor. They can't afford to talk about royal blood or the will of the gods or whatever. They need to figure something out right now or there will be uprisings in every corner of the realm, widespread deadra worship, innocent orc villages burned down by savage bosmers pillaging the countryside, the dead rising from the grave, human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together, mass hysteria!


Frankly, even if Ocato handles all the administration and you don't really do anything as emperor, just having you as a figurehead would still be better then having no emperor at all.


My big problem is that even for true role players who commit to just one guild leadership (say there is someone playing a serious mage who really wants to take on the role of arch mage), there's really no responsibility or benefits beyond just the minor perks (like the ingredient spawning chest). Battlemages still say "you must be the arcane universities newest addition" when you are arch mage, and the scholars don't even talk to you. Sort of diminishes the value of the role of "guild leader", and discourages taking it seriously if you ask me. Mods I've seen that allow you to become a city leader (such as the Kvatch rebuilt mods) just usually wind up having you sit in a throne and do nothing. Nobody even comes by to shoot the breeze with you or anything. Booring...


All good points, I agree maxing out the faction questlines should award you way more respect and influence then they actually do.


Still, I read the original question as: "Why can't I become emperor?" Which is actually a valid question when the game lets you become pretty much everything else, up to and including a Daedric Prince. (Albeit in a formal sense.)


Whether or not becoming emperor would actually be fun is a different cup of tea.

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My best and only guess is that they somehow intend to use that loose end as an element for future games, although if TESV takes place in a totally different province, I can't quite put together how that would be an important element, only time will tell for sure.


I expected KOTN to give me the option to become the Tenth Divine, so sad that didn't happen...

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