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hey, I am trying to play the card game caravan, but I seem to completly misunderstand the rules.


You have 3 caravans, where you lay out 3 cards. then I thought you have to put the same color on that card either inwith continous rising numbers or falling numbers right? and high cards have a special effect. but some how I cant do anything! I have as my first card a cross 3. I cant put a pic 5 or 6 or heat 4 or anyother card on it! while my opponent just seems to randomly put cards where he wants. what am i doing wrong?

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Palandiell I think I had the same problem as you. Once you have your 3 caravans (top 3 cards) your next set of cards, following the rules, you have to place underneath them by use of the directional keypad/button. So by default it does not lay underneath the top card but sits on the same level of the top card and you have to select it to sit underneath. Does that make sense to you? It baffled me as well until that was clarified to me.
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The game controls and rules baffled me for a while. Eventually I figured it out, then learned the trick to win 100%.

You just need a set of 10s, 9s, and 7s... instant money.

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