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[REQ] Whiterun Home (not breeze)


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I would like to see a home that is located within the city of Whiterun and is not the breezehome that is already there. I have tried a couple of the breezehome mods and did not like them. I would like the home to be compatable with the Hearthfire multiple Adoptions V2 mod made by TMPhoenix. I have tried a few times to make my own mod but can never seem to make it where it will be accepted by his Bless Home spell. I guess that I am doing something wrong with the directions on making a home compatable. I have tried using the forum post (Make Your Home Multiple Adoption Friendly) and doing everything it says but I am not really well versed in the Creation Kit and some of the directions lose me. It would be helpful if there was a step by step instruction on doing it (with images) for illiterate people like me (ones with no good comprehension on reading and understanding directions).... But until someone makes that, I am hopelessly lost on creating my own Multiple Adoption home....


I would prefer a home that is open throughout it, not different cells like I have seen on a couple where you need to load each time you go into another room, more like the hobbiton house which is open throughout. It doesn't need any forges or what not. Just ample places to store books, ingrediants, clothing, armor, weapons, etc. etc.. I would prefer it not to have those dumb weapon cases.... they would be great if you could store more then 1 weapon at a time in them.... but the way it is, you store a weapon and have 80% of the case be unused.... The weapon racks are cool (the wooden ones which stand on the floor) but the plaque type are also gross. They should be like the ones I saw in the Levelers Tower where you can place 2 weapons and a shield on them.....


So if someone could make this mod, it would be great. But if no one can, could someone at least make a tutorial for Making homes which are Multiple Adoption Friendly and have pictures for those of us who have problems reading books like Dick & Jane or Dr. Suess...... or if you know where a good one is, link it here for me please?


Thank You



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That's just it, I don't know what I did not do right... I think I followed the directions like they said but when I went into the home and used the bless spell it said the home was incompatible for use....


When I first started, I needed to follow these directions:


First create two new Locations for the Interior and Exterior of the home. HOW? I did not understand this so I tried using a mod which was not compatable with multiple adoptions to change it so that it was.

Add the new Exterior Location for the exterior Cell in which your house will reside first. (World Data - Location) The mods I tried were already done. I did not know how to make my own mod, still don't yet.

1. Right Click- New - in the Location tree set the name and the ID to something (I usually use: aaa(name of house)Exterior
2. Set the correct hold in which your house reside for the Parent Location.
3. In the Render Window, Add a new map marker for your house for the exterior.
4. Click back in your new location window and under World Location Marker Ref. Select your New Map Marker
5. In the Keywords box, Right Click - Add - Add the following: BYOH_LocTypeHomestead, BYOHHouseLocationType and LocTypeHabitation
6. Click Ok and Save. It took me 3 hours to figure this out... I could not understand where the Location tree was located... I was searching every button and finding nothing. I thought it was a tool and when I realized it was staring me in the face the whole time, I knew I was an idiot.... The mods I tried to make Multiple Adoption Compatable were set as LocTypeDwelling, LocTypeHouse and LocTypePlayerHouse already so all I had to do was add the 3 above.
In your Cell View window, Right Click - Edit (In the Exterior cell your house resides in) Could not figure this part out
Under Common Data - Change the Location to the new Exterior Location you created. Nor this part either, I figured that the steps 1 - 6 covered this part so I went on.

Next create the new Interior Location

1. Right Click- New in the Location tree set the name and the ID to something (aaa(name of house)Interior)
2. Under Parent Location - Select the new Exterior Location you created.
3. In the Keywords box, Right Click - Add - Add the following: LocTypeDwelling, LocTypeHouse and LocTypePlayerHouse
4. Click Ok and Save. This part was already made in the mods I tried to use so I did not understand how or where these needed to be changed.

In your Cell View Window, Right Click - Edit (On the Interior Cell for your home)
Under Common Data - Change the Location to the new Interior Location you created. Same with this part.


also it said that I needed items added like: various Idle Markers near the Sandbox X Marker example: "Child lay on floor marker", "Child Play Dirt" and "Child sit on knees" and I did not see them in my Creation Kit so I could not add them....


That sums it up about. I really do not know even how to start a mod but I tried making my own, each time I failed so then I tried using home mods which were already built and see if I could change them to make them compatable and failed each time.... I am very very lost and would really love to learn how to build home mods, I have some ideas which I think people would like. Maybe someone can teach me how to make the mods step by step so that I can put some of the ideas I have to work.


Thank You



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Your main problem is location and idle markers as I see. Also, it seems you don't know some basics.


Locations are important for keywords to work and for npcs to know what type of place that.


First, there is two types of location:




Naming those two is important. Let say we have a house with the name white house. The names will be.


1-White house.

2-White house interior.


Note: Your house is in whiterun, there is no need to make 1.


Now. Right make 1 parents of 2.


The ck will remove the spaces. Nothing to worry about.


Now we go to the cell window. The small window under the render window. It also named the cell window.

-Find your house.

-Right click and press edit.

-in the this big window we just found, at the top left we will find the location type.

-change the location to 2.


Now go the Exterior,

-look in the cell window.

-you will find exteriors. There is one with a (*) after it name. It the one your house in it. Change the location to 1.


And that it for locations!


Idle markers are things like your kids laying on the floor, people sitting on tree stumps and the like. This is easier than location.


-In the object window, there is a miscellaneous category the idle marker are there. Adds them whatever you want.

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Your main problem is location and idle markers as I see. Also, it seems you don't know some basics.


Locations are important for keywords to work and for npcs to know what type of place that.


First, there is two types of location:




Naming those two is important. Let say we have a house with the name white house. The names will be.


1-White house.

2-White house interior.


Note: Your house is in whiterun, there is no need to make 1. You lost me at this point


Now. Right make 1 parents of 2. still lost


The ck will remove the spaces. Nothing to worry about. ck? and still lost


Now we go to the cell window. The small window under the render window. It also named the cell window. figured this out before but thanks

-Find your house.

-Right click and press edit.

-in the this big window we just found, at the top left we will find the location type.

-change the location to 2.


Now go the Exterior,

-look in the cell window.

-you will find exteriors. There is one with a (*) after it name. It the one your house in it. Change the location to 1.


And that it for locations!


Idle markers are things like your kids laying on the floor, people sitting on tree stumps and the like. This is easier than location.


-In the object window, there is a miscellaneous category the idle marker are there. Adds them whatever you want. Sorry buit you lost me way up theree and I never made it to this part.....

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In Short:

1- is Exterior.

2- is interior.




Note: Your house is in whiterun, there is no need to make 1. You lost me at this point

The house that you will make is in whiterun, a town with an Exterior location that enables adaptability and has all the keywords. You don't have to make a new Location. Just look up the one breeze home has.





Now. Right make 1 parents of 2. still lost


Go and open the window of the interior location. You will something that says parent location. Add the exterior location.





The ck will remove the spaces. Nothing to worry about. ck? and still lost

CK= Creation kit short name.


Let say you house name is green tree. When naming location, we remove the spaces. So no it greentree.



Name the interior (something)interior:



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Okay, I am testing my outside of the house right now. I had to edit some of Whiterun because I wanted a whole new location for the house. Someplace not already in use but also satill within the city limits of Whiterun... had to move and add some new walls. Also blocked all the windows and doors around it so that there was only 1 way in... I am using a couple vanilla house shells for the outside, then I added wooden walls to clock other windows and doors, then added a doorway frame with a door. I just want to see if this part works before I build the inside.

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I went with a different house shell and did not need to block the windows. I actually used 2 shells. 1 has the main door on it, with a walkway up to it and the second has a door leading to a porch. The Whiterun houses I used just had items on them that I did not want and some roofs that had nothing attached to them... so I looked at other shells and found 2 that matched that I liked. Then I added a chimney with some smoke, a couple doors, and a stairway that has dragon statues on it... after alkl this is going to be the dragonborn's house....


Tried the house in the game, everything works. Now to build the inside of it.....

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I'm giving up. I can make the house perfectly outside with in the whiterun area. I have tried 14 combinations of making the interior and not one of them worked. I am not going to bother trying anymore. I am not functional in computers so either I will have to use the brrezehome without multiple adoptions or I will have to use some other mod which is not in whiterun and has multiple adoptions.... either way I doubt I will play much longer. Seems like spending money for games is worthless anymore. Those with the skills want to get paid real money for a mod.... You can all stop sending me private messages... I am not paying anyone any real money for this mod. Thanks anyways.... maybe I will load the house only in whiterun and let someone use it for a multiple adoption player house in white run. One thing is for sure, those of you that sent me private messages demanding cash for this mod can stuff it where the sun don't shine.

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