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Under-endorsed mods


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Endorsement is directly related to how many people can actually use it, make a skimpy armor mod that requires no DLCs and you will see the endorsements flow in.

Make a house mod with a specific theme that requires all 3 DLCs and your not going to see that many endorsements, even if it took you 100 times longer to create than that armor mod.

Also, sex sells, just look at the nr1 house mod, or any other mods that have any semi-naked things showing up, its crazy how many people download stuff that does nothing except pimp out the game.

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I do hope this won't turn into a deadly verbal debate. This topic seems like a good idea; a way to tell people that the mod they've been wanting for ages? It was published two years ago!


That being said...


  • The Ghost Ring is an excellent alternative to using Become Ethereal or the Philter of the Phantom. I think the effect is only cosmetic, but even then it's great for someone (me) who wants to have a spectral character for roleplaying reasons.
  • Dragon Masks Retextured is an ultimate must (for me, at least) and I don't know if 900+ endorsements is a lot, but it sure isn't enough for this mod! Every only does every mask has its own designed textures, but their hoods does too! /fans self
  • Imprefvicticious Alduin because I like glowy things.
  • Posh Mudcrabs takes off a bit of the edge if you're easily startled by getting attacked out of nowhere on a peaceful day.
  • Windy Skyrim looks like a really good mod. Nice and simple.

If any of those has any surprising audio effects, don't look at me. I wouldn't know.

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This is the reason why I created this thread for people to spread the news about those unheard of mods that are just what some people are looking for. Thanks a lot for the ghost ring link by the way, I was looking for something like this for a while now.

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