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Unexplained Ban


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I was wondering why my account (Damoru) had been banned with no explanation, and what my file takeover options are. The ban of the account is not nearly as unnerving as not being able to modify or continue a series of mods released under it. Being more of an art based moder I enjoyed reading comments and endorsements posted on my mods, but I am unable to continue my line without changing the name, and thus, changing the impression. I like to think of myself as a productive member of the nexus, and I see no grounds for my removal (based on all content, comments, endorsements, ect submitted). As I received no strikes or indication of unsavory behavior I am utterly confused, and any reply would be much appreciated.


Thank you for your consideration,

Skye Adaire

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I was wondering why my account (Damoru) had been banned with no explanation, and what my file takeover options are. The ban of the account is not nearly as unnerving as not being able to modify or continue a series of mods released under it. Being more of an art based moder I enjoyed reading comments and endorsements posted on my mods, but I am unable to continue my line without changing the name, and thus, changing the impression. I like to think of myself as a productive member of the nexus, and I see no grounds for my removal (based on all content, comments, endorsements, ect submitted). As I received no strikes or indication of unsavory behavior I am utterly confused, and any reply would be much appreciated.


Thank you for your consideration,

Skye Adaire

You were likely banned for site abuse and for uploading a mod with an offensive name. As far as your mod and contributions go, I think we're all better off... no offense.

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I've been keeping an eye on folks who get banned and the like for a while now... because really, I feel bad for the ones who largely don't deserve it, and this one caught my eye in particular because I had actually downloaded one of the mods this author created.


It wasn't -smart-... or awesome... or even big. It was just a chuckle... but it made me feel a little better for having had the laugh.



What gets me is... the author here didn't -ask- for an explanation as to why he/she was banned. It wasn't even the point. The author asked for help in -reclaiming- those mods which belonged to them, so as to continue their work. I don't know anything about that, or whether or not there are rules in place against this... but I do know a little something about replies.


And the reply they have gotten, is: "You were likely banned for site abuse and for uploading a mod with an offensive name. As far as your mod and contributions go, I think we're all better off... no offense."


So... not only does it offer no real explanation to a question not asked... but it doesn't even answer the one that is asked... and is also -obviously- offensive. Sometimes "No Offense" really does mean "[censored] You."



Is this really the kind of environment the Nexus is trying to foster here?


[-edited for tone and content-]


Does it really pay to offend the people who are providing mods for the community to enjoy?


Even ones who provide little more than momentary (and sometimes entirely questionable) chuckles.



It's something to consider, is all. I hope someone can offer the poor bloke a real answer as to whether or not there's any way to reclaim his work and continue to produce mods within the scope of the rules. Sorry I couldn't be of more help, Kolmite.

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@Philosophiac: From what I see from the bannings around here, they are fairly warranted it almost all cases - when the user clearly violated the ToS (which most don't read, but hey, you're still bound by them).

For the most part, the various bannings keep most modders happy (such as getting rid of the mod thieves) or to meet legal obligations (copyright infringement, and piracy). Questioning mod actions should really be done through PM convo's though.


However, I will agree with your remark about the "no offense". Generally people use it when they actually mean "I'm making a subtle stab at you". At least it does in this part of the world.

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Hopefully the moderator that performed the banning will contact you with more information. Since there's no information regarding it in the Forum Rules and Strikes board, you have little choice but to do so.


So... not only does it offer no real explanation to a question not asked... but it doesn't even answer the one that is asked... and is also -obviously- offensive. Sometimes "No Offense" really does mean "[censored] You."


Is this really the kind of environment the Nexus is trying to foster here?


"No offense" is a phrase used in a situation where one does not mean to insult the listener, even if their statement is likely to do so. That being said, it's being used properly enough. Although the statement isn't particularly necessary, as it's little more than a personal opinion.


Although Vagrant0 provided a small amount of insight into the situation, like I previously said, Kolminite's best hope is to be contacted by the one who banned him or, in the event that his ban will be publicly posted, contact the moderator himself.


Kolminite: Your past works, while controversial, I think have hardly been worthy of banishment. Although... the term "retarded" probably isn't the best way to start a file title. Nevertheless, I do not know the reason why you were banned, or what may have been removed recently, so I wish you luck in your near future endeavors regarding this situation.

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@Philosophiac: From what I see from the bannings around here, they are fairly warranted it almost all cases - when the user clearly violated the ToS (which most don't read, but hey, you're still bound by them).

For the most part, the various bannings keep most modders happy (such as getting rid of the mod thieves) or to meet legal obligations (copyright infringement, and piracy). Questioning mod actions should really be done through PM convo's though.


However, I will agree with your remark about the "no offense". Generally people use it when they actually mean "I'm making a subtle stab at you". At least it does in this part of the world.

Yes, perhaps I am being a bit unfair. If I wanted to be hostile about it and go into detail publicly about how this content is against rules, I would have. The author knows the nature of his "contributions" and how they were titled so it need not be mentioned.


As for why the question wasn't answered, it is probably because there was only one mod attributed to that user, and it is currently under review for its offensive content. It is unclear as to why this mod remained after the ban was issued; considering that there is a suggestion of others being made which no longer exist tied to that user, so the issue is being looked into. No answer was given about transferring ownership or what exactly the resulted in the ban because I do not have this information at this time. Should the user wish to discuss this matter, they should probably contact staff directly instead of making a public post.

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I hope it isn't out of line to ask this here, but it seems a related enough topic. When a user is banned, what happens to the files they've contributed to the site?
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I hope it isn't out of line to ask this here, but it seems a related enough topic. When a user is banned, what happens to the files they've contributed to the site?

They're left up.






Also, I realize I should probably be PMing an administrator, but we're on the topic so I'll just leave it here. This user was banned unfairly, the last few comments on the file explain.



... I'm going to have to agree' date=' as far as my understanding of copyright goes, this wasn't actually a violation at all. I could be wrong, so don't hold me to it, but I'm pretty sure all of the music that was included in this... although not particularly GOOD... wasn't actually in violation of anything.


If I'm wrong, then I'm wrong... but if not... then it seems to me that this place is getting a little overzealous in the wielding of the banhammer.


It makes me feel a little safer, knowing I don't ever upload any of my lousy work. Not only would people probably insult it, but I'd have to be worried about whether or not someone might mistake what I did as something that was copyrighted and report me.


Hard times in the modding community, I suppose... [/quote']


I thought this was hilarious' date=' the fact that you banned this guy is ridiculous, he was not distributing any copyrighted material. Mixtapes are free to distribute.


Lil B sucks but thats the point. Oh well props for the idea anyway.[/quote']

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I hope it isn't out of line to ask this here, but it seems a related enough topic. When a user is banned, what happens to the files they've contributed to the site?

They're left up.


Well I certainly hope that's not the case, because that just seems wrong on so many levels.


As far as the rest: http://www.templetons.com/brad/copymyths.html

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