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Should modders be allowed to earn money from their mods  

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  1. 1. allowed to earn money from their mods?

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By that I mean, I have this mod idea, but what with my day job and family and all, I really don't have time to make it. Perhaps with your generous paypal donations, I will be able to make the time to realize my grand vision. Of course it will be posted on Nexus for all when I am finished, I wouldn't dream of violating any EULAs or whatnot by selling a mod.


Chances are nobody will invest money into a mod that may or may not be finished. Also, there are thousands of freely available mods so the users will just shrug and pick something that is freely available.

Not to mention that before you ask money for something that does not even exists, you'd better show some proof that you are able to deliver on your promise. As I see, the OP does not have a single mod uploaded to this site. With such a solid reference, I'm sure people will bury you under a nice pile of dollars. :whistling:


Correction: from the last post, it appears that the OP did really post a mod for FO3. Unfortunately, I cannot form an opinion on its popularity or quality, because right now it is set to hidden but since there are compatibility patches for that mod, I can accept the OP's statement that it was fairly popular.


Anyway, I still do not consider it a good idea to try and mess with the legal department of a fairly big publisher. You may or may not slip away, and if, for any reason, - maybe just to nip any further attempts in the bud - they decide to sue you, I wonder if you are willing to fork out a cartload of money for legal defense in a case that may drag on for quite a long time, and I bet, unless you are a wealthy man, which I think you are not otherwise you would not consider charging for the time you spend on developing mods, you'll go bankrupt sooner than the publisher.

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As much as I am normally against greedy big companies this doesn't apply here. The arguing here is - sorry to say that so honestly, no offense meant - pathetic. I suggest you really return your copy of New vegas - if you bought it as a "money making program" you completely misunderstoiod the basic fundamentals of a "game".


Also the calculation like "if everyone paid 5 bucks who downloaded my mod" is very much schoolboy phantasy - seriously man - i doubt any of these 10.000 people would even have paid a cent for the mod.


Sorry for the harsh words, but i am just pissed by the greediness i sometimes encounter here, actually the sad part - as it was already hinted by some people here - is that some people actually indeed make money with "mods on request" or "pay for my time" crap and i seriously hope they all starve or worse. Get it - this ain't "serious business", it's a damn game and if you dont agree with the terms of bethesda then just play pacman or whatever.


I really dont get how anyone can buy New Vegas with the expectation of "making big bucks", this is really sad. I dont even agree with 90% of the modders that "claim copyright" for their mods, i.e. not allow conversions or stuff - i mean come on you made it with bethesdas tools, be grateful - most other games dont even supply an editor. But oh well i have to accept that, but all my mods are released as "Public domain" - do with them whatever you want.



Seriously - if your kids have to starve because their dad cant sell NV mods your family really got other issues...

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Not to mention that before you ask money for something that does not even exists, you'd better show some proof that you are able to deliver on your promise. As I see, the OP does not have a single mod uploaded to this site. With such a solid reference, I'm sure people will bury you under a nice pile of dollars. :whistling:

That wasn't very nice.


The reason that I am doing this, is because I have gone crazy and decided to be honest and no more cruel than I have to be. It is not as easy as it sounds. You might consider it for yourself.


It takes an exceptional man to equal the average woman. Do you know why? Because men are lifetakers and women are lifemakers and it would take a damn fool not to see which is harder to do and more important. I am a cruel man, and I have to pay penance for what I have done. This is just a part of it.


Before you insult me again, read my signature.

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Not to mention that before you ask money for something that does not even exists, you'd better show some proof that you are able to deliver on your promise. As I see, the OP does not have a single mod uploaded to this site. With such a solid reference, I'm sure people will bury you under a nice pile of dollars. :whistling:

That wasn't very nice.


The reason that I am doing this, is because I have gone crazy and decided to be honest and no more cruel than I have to be. It is not as easy as it sounds. You might consider it for yourself.


It takes an exceptional man to equal the average woman. Do you know why? Because men are lifetakers and women are lifemakers and it would take a damn fool not to see which is harder to do and more important. I am a cruel man, and I have to pay penance for what I have done. This is just a part of it.


Before you insult me again, read my signature.


I'm sorry if I sounded rude. That was definitely not my intention. I only wanted to point out that people will probably not pay or hire a developer who has no references. I checked your profile and I found no uploaded files.

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Seriously - if your kids have to starve because their dad cant sell NV mods your family really got other issues...

I don't know why people think that I shouldn't be taken seriously, except that I am a big, fat liar.


You are welcome to your opinions. I welcome them. But all you are going to get for disrespecting me is the same in return.


I am challenging a whole system of doing things that keeps you down, do you really think that I consider YOUR opinion more important than Bethesda's? I'm not afraid of them, why should I care whether you take me seriously or not? But I would like to know your real name, just in case you send my son your resume some day. There will be a wastebasket waiting for it.


BTW, some people, like me, with 30 years training in hand to hand combat but look like useless old farts, take exception when a man starts insulting not only him but his family. I recommend that you rethink that approach to strangers.

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Seriously - if your kids have to starve because their dad cant sell NV mods your family really got other issues...

I don't know why people think that I shouldn't be taken seriously, except that I am a big, fat liar.


You are welcome to your opinions. I welcome them. But all you are going to get for disrespecting me is the same in return.


I am challenging a whole system of doing things that keeps you down, do you really think that I consider YOUR opinion more important than Bethesda's? I'm not afraid of them, why should I care whether you take me seriously or not? But I would like to know your real name, just in case you send my son your resume some day. There will be a wastebasket waiting for it.


Is it disrespect to ask for references, something that was posted by you? Do you hire people without first reading their CV and references? I certainly don't and neither do I get hired without presenting my references.

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I checked your profile and I found no uploaded files.

That is because I had already deleted it. It probably isn't even in the top 100 lists anymore, either. It was a gesture of my resolve. If it is already in your possession, though, you may use all parts that were formerly my own property and withheld to you, as modder's resources. As long as you aren't someone with a EULA that is. Then you have to pay for them.

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Is it disrespect to ask for references, something that was posted by you? Do you hire people without first reading their CV and references? I certainly don't and neither do I get hired without presenting my references.

No, that isn't disrespectful, but if you don't know that that isn't what I was talking about please refrain from asking such questions. I am responding to them so far, politely, but I will simply ignore you if you are not contributing to my question in a way that I feel is appropriate. In fact, I am just going to ignore your posts and the posts of the other gentleman who apparently is not a flamer but a "slow cooker" like you.


It is also not disrespectful to refrain from giving references, especially since I have asked no one for anything except for the right to earn money from my own efforts. And the right to allow you to do so too. If that offends you, then we are not on the same page, but I am in no way obligated to align myself with your point of view. I hope you realize that I am not disrespectful simply because I refuse to allow you or anyone else to make my decisions for me.


Oh btw, what was your name again?

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I sympathize with you Badpenny. Modmakers should be allowed to at least receive donations for their works.

To be blunt , Bethesda releases are GREAT sandboxes. But without the toys in the sandbox . . . I trust everyone is following.

I'm a novice working on very simple mods that I would not dream of asking $$$ for but for more complex mods I could understand the maker wanting SOME motivation to continue the process.

Just what I'm working on has been hard as hell , lol. I can't imagine the effort that goes into the more complex offerings I saw for Fo3.


- Borch1d

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