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The thing is that sites like this one , especially for me , add longevity to a game and the knowledge that whatever mistakes and things that are left out of a game will be "fixed" by a vast modding community which in turn gives the developer ideas for their next release...a win win situation :)
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Good to know. Im sure the number is higher (at least percentage-wise for Oblivion/Morrowind owners seeing as the games have been around for a while. The only people who still play are somewhat versed in modding. At least everyone I know tho plays TES III/IV is using mods.
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Exciting stuff!


I'm interested in how you arrived at the 15% adjustment for piracy. Was this value suggested by Bioware, or your own research? Also, if you are simply reducing the number of modders by this percentage to account for the fact that 15% of all DA:O PC players pirated the game (my assumption), doesn't that assume that mod use is equal between people who purchased the game and people who illegally downloaded it?

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modding can only happen with 3rd party tools and the dedication the makers put into them. If betsoft or obsidan or whoever makes the next Fallout or oblivion decies to finally update the outdated engine it almost certinally will be unmoddable. Unless the devolopers help from the start it will take years for the tools to build up again. Already some tools now like conformulator havent been touched in years and no one else has taken up the challange. Tools like conformulator are needed for a lot of mods.

Modders are one thing The Site is another but as long as we have tool makers we can continue to mod.

Edited by lordinquisitor
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Modders are one thing The Site is another but as long as we have tool makers we can continue to mod.


Basically this.


Modding has always been popular (I personally started with Baldur's Gate), regardless of whether or not the Developers/Publishers supported it.


Even games that are "unmoddable" such as Dark Prophet, Mass Effect, or even VtM: Bloodlines have had Mods made for them thanks to the Tool-makers.

Edited by Offkorn
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you are right, modding should be supported as default on games.

it makes the whole experience of gaming more enjoyable..

refitting the game to suit your own taste is very cool.


30+ percent is a lot, maybe the game industry is going to take notice of this.

would be welcome..


by the way, site is getting better all the time,

thanks for your hard work..

Edited by Marcurios
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DAO isn't that great a platform for modding. If a mod changes one particular file, no other mod can change that file without conflicts. Whereas a FO3/FONV file can have as many mods as one likes as long as each mod changes a different stat. And for those that do conflict, FNVEdit deals with that fairly painlessly.
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Reading your post gave me the chills! :D

And I totally agree with you!


And Dark0ne, really cool statistics! :) - I was a little shocked at the low amount of members with uploaded files though..


EDIT: But of course the amount of members with uploaded Files are different on each site, which explains a lot.. Stupid me^^

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Sledge454: tell that to Immortality, Karmalade, VanillaCena, Questorion, Phaenan, Lady Olivia, ejoslin and myself... We are working together so when our mods touch common files, no individual mod will break any other. It takes a desire to work together to prevent these things, which is something that I don't see being all that common in FO3, FO:NV or TES modding.
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