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Grey face bug problem (Yes, I've searched it. CTRL+F4 won't work!)


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Okay I know someone here just thought "Oh great, another newbie who didn't search before asking a question!" Wrong. I've searched google, I've searched these very forums, and almost every tutorial is the same.


-Change the NPC in some way (Change the hair seems to be easy)

-Close the NPC dialog, then highlight the NPC in the Object Window and then press Ctrl and F4 to export the character's face tint data.


Right? Well, my problem here is, pressing Ctrl and F4 while having my NPC highlighted in the object window does absolutely nothing. There is no prompt. At the bottom, the CK isn't telling me it's doing anything. Checking my Data\Textures folder, there is nothing. Ctrl + F4 just isn't working. What do I do?

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I don't think you are a newb...but were you in the actors selection when you hit CTRL+F4. if you are in ALL it will not work, you have to be on the selection for actors only.


I did that several times myself...which is my only reason to ask.

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I don't think you are a newb...but were you in the actors selection when you hit CTRL+F4. if you are in ALL it will not work, you have to be on the selection for actors only.


I did that several times myself...which is my only reason to ask.


Wow that was such a simple answer, I'm legitimately disappointed with myself for having a problem with this. No matter, thank you, it worked.

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Are you on a Mac or a PC?


And CTRL+F4 works. I'm sure of it. Make sure you're not clicking F + 4 and instead the key F4.


Galadreal's explanation worked. I was in the "All" category with my actor's ID searched, and Ctrl+F4 doesn't work there apparently. You have to search the actor from the "Actors" category. Anyway, problem solved.

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