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Can't start fallout 3


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Hi. I can't start my fallout 3, even when only marking official content in FOMM. I get the intro. It says please wait. But just before the menu should popup it crashes.

I have just reinstalled all my mods. Cleaned the old ones with FOIC. Then added following mods from the safe list at FOIP:



Project beauty - HD


FWE with DA support for FWE and Hot fix

FOIP for FWE and Project beauty

MMM and FOIP for MMM and FWE


Then Installed FOOK2 1.0 plus 1.1v beta

Then FOIP for MMM and Fook2

WMK and FOIP for WMK with FWE and FOOK2


That's it.

The reasen why I reinstalled was i added the full texture mod from NCM. I uninstalled it with the uninstaller mod.

Btw. When i first started fallout 3 after cleaning up all the mods. It worked. I could start the game.


Hope you got some sugestions.

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Here is a simple way to get back to the vanilla game for troublleshooting.


Create a new folder, name it oldata

MOVE the data folder into it.

Make a new empty data folder

COPY the following from the Oldata to the new data folder

Here is the list of the files in a vanilla data folder.


Music (folder)

Shaders (folder)

Video (folder)

Credits.txt - probably not needed









Now you can test it with no mods. You may want to consider re downloading each mod - if you didn't keep the original in its zipped form as a backup - and reinstall them one at a time testing after each one.

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You should try the Windows Live Disabler.


Then, press the Start button on your desktop, click run and type "cmd".

In the window that appears type "dla disable d:". Hit enter. Close the window.


Both of these seem unrelated but when I was reinstalling the game last week it only worked after this was done.

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