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Mage armor perk - how to make it really usefull?


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I have an idea how to make this perk usefull. Because, let's be honest - it's not. Sure, people who are roleplaying as a mage will use robes, but for others? Armor of some sort is allways a better solution. So here's my idea how to make fesh spells quite good alternative for armor and smithing.


Flaws of vanilla Mage Armor perk and flesh spells are as follows:


1. Many mage oriented items, like dragon priests masks, are armor pieces.

2. Flesh spells have limited duration, so you must constantly cast them, to keep your armor rating. Warriors do not have to worry about that.

3. Even with 3/3 points in Mage Armor, flesh spells provide limited protection, and there is no way to improve it without dumping all idea behind this perk and just replacing clothes with armor (whitch most people do). Dragonhide is an exeption, but it's duration is quite limited.

4. Mixing armor pieces with clothing does not make much sense stat wise.



So here's how perk should work IMHO, without making it overpowered:


Rank 1: + 50 armor rating for every armor slot not occupied by light or heavy armor piece (up to 200 free armor rating for mages in rags, equivalent of 100 armor rating for character wearing armor). It's a passive effect and it works all the time. It also stacks with flesh spells.

Rank 2: All above +50% for duration of all flesh spells (dragonhide included), synergy with Stability perk and Dual Casting.

Rank 3: All above + 300% flesh spells magnitude (dragonhide excluded of course) regardless of any armor worn.



It solves all problems with flesh spells and this perk to some degree (i think). It's not OP, mages in robes are less squishy (still more squishy than warriors), duration of flesh spells is increased and player is not punished for mixing clothing and armor pieces.


I belive it would be quite simple mod and it would take no more than 1-2 hours to make for a skillfull modder. Tell me what you think about given values (too weak? too strong?) and this whole idea.


Thank you.

Edited by Storm87
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There are many mods and overhauls that improve such things.

Indeed, but implementing complete overhaul of magic system just to make single perk usefull is not reasonable, don't you think? :) And none of existing mods do this in simple and effective way, that could solve all above problems.

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