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oblivion won't play under win7 :(


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I use Win7x64 and 2 monitors with no problems. As do many other people. The game will only play on your primary monitor though as the game itself doesn't have multiple monitor support. Hopefully Beth will give us that in the next game, but I doubt it.


Your problem is NOT Win7 - try again - give us some more info to work with.


First, check to see if your computer will support Oblivion

Go here to see if your computer can run the game



You will find the various game we support

Oblivion listed as 'The Elder Scrolls IV, Oblivion

Fallout3 as Fallout3 PC

Dragon Age listed as Dragon age

Fallout New Vegas as Fallout: New Vegas

Morrowind is not listed, However if you can run Oblivion at all it should run well on your system.


If it can:

What version? Oblivion DVD? GOTY? Steam?

Where did you get it? DVD? Steam? Other?

Are you trying to install as an Administrator?


BTW: I played Oblivion on XP with 2 monitors also before getting Win7

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i saw that having 2 monitors on first startup crashes oblivion. the solution is to disable the second monitor, start oblivion, let it creates it's ini file and re-eanble the second monitor.


my computer can run oblivion without problems. i have way more specs than needed.


i bought a DVD of GOTY version.


installed as admin.


when looking at event viewer, i saw a error from oblivion, but i'm at the office now. i can post the error later tonight.


the crash occurs when i start the game. i see the logo and then the crash.



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Yes disable the second monitor ESPECIALLY if the graphics adapter on the secondary display is not the same adapter as your primary (AKA if your mixing nvidia/ati/matrox/intel video cards).


As a general rule of thumb it is best to only use 1 brand of display adpater (Either stick with nVidia or ATi) multiple mismatched adapters/drivers can cause all sorts of problems. Otherbrand adapters are not gaming cards even if they have the required memory size does not mean they can run. (ive had very bad experiences with intel based video cards and trying to game on them)


On another note Oblivion usually detects when your primary display adapter has changed when loaded from Oblivion itself (Not from OBSE or OBMM) which make me think this may be a incompatibly between your 2 graphics adapters


If your graphics adapters are both nVidia based you may need to configure the "Multi display/Mixed Gpu acceleration" in the nVidia control panel of which the options consist of:

Single display performance mode

Compatibly performance mode

Multi Display Performance mode


I myself run 3 screens and encounter no problems with Oblivion. My Primary Runs off of 2 Crossfired ATi HD 5770's as does my secondary. My tertiary screen runs off of a Onboard ATi 4290.

(I would do eyefinity but my secondary and tertiary screens are just crt's)

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  On 11/19/2010 at 12:46 PM, kardock said:

i have only 1 graphic adapter, a radeon 6870 with 2 dvi output.


i tried disabling the second monitor but oblivion still crashes at startup. buying a game that you can't play is pretty frustrating.


Ok i highly doubt having that second screen up is causing the issue but hey you never know. When you installed Catalyst + the Drivers did you get a Green Checkmark saying they installed successfully with no errors. Testing your gpu with CCC in the overdrive tab couldent hurt either. Some cards, even brand spanking new, can be faulty right out of the store. PC stores like to charge re-packing fees for a reason, they re-pack cards some1 else may have cooked and the card may show a screen, but that does not mean that it still works properly.


Did you try to re-install once u had only 1 screen enabled? Uninstall the game and make sure the Oblivion directory you installed to is removed. Also make sure the Directory in my documents/my games/oblivion is removed. Disconnect your other screen then restart.

After you re-install if your 1 of the users who gets the black screen that seems to hang there DO NOT CLOSE IT. Oblivion is configuring your DirectX. If you close this before it completes its doomed to fail,on some systems it can take about 10Minutes(and it may seem like it stopped responding), on others it can be instant.


If that doesnt work you can try to follow Bben's Reinstall Procedure


PS. Try to be a little more descriptive of the problems/solutions you may have tried to implement. Stating "i tried disabling the second monitor but Oblivion still crashes on startup" says to me you only disabled that screen and loaded the game omitting the re-install

if your reinstalled Oblivion and followed steps in previous posts i should have read "I reinstalled oblivion with the second screen disabled" or similar.

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