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I question about using anti aliasing and HD together


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Ok I was besically wondering if there was a way of getting HD and Anti aliasing to work together. If so, then how do I do it?


We all know that it is possble in Fallout 3 so why can it not be possible in Oblivion. I am used to being able to run them both because I have been playing Fallout forever, but now that I can not run it in Oblivion it is really bothering me. I hate looking at all the jagged lines. And I absolutely do not want to run bloom. I hate it!! It makes everything look all dull and dreary instead of bright and vibrant like HD does.


So is there any way out there that I can force anti aliasing and HD to work as one? If so then all your help will be greatly apreciated and so kudos to go with it :)


- Elsarian

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If you have an ATI graphics card (might work for nVidia with same file, not sure) open the 'Catalyst Control Center' (or download it if you do not have it).


Click the Anti-Aliasing tab and uncheck 'Use Application Settings'. You can then drag the slider to set how much AA' you want. Then just turn on HDR in the Oblivion settings. This makes it to where any 3D game or application you run, it will have Anti-Aliasing, even if there isn't an option to turn AA on in the game.


Note that with some games this may have a performance hit, without much results, such as Spore, but this is great for Oblivion.



If you have an nvidia GPU, you can try googling how to 'Force AA in nvidia GPU'

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Awesome man! Thanks. And yeah I have an ATI. Ati Radeon 4670 1GB DDR3 its a beast lol


Well can you provide me with a link to where I can download the Catalyst Control Center? Or was that installed when I installed my drivers from the disc that came with my card? Because I remember seeing somme folder that had the name catalyst in it?



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lol alright man. Thanks for all your help :)


Kudos to you my friend


- Elsarian

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Well I did find my Catalyst Control Center and piddled around with it but there is nothing showing up in game. I tested it with my Fallout 3 and still got nothing. Once I changed a few settings in the Control Center I went in game and it actually took away my anti- aliasing when it should have improved it. So I went back into my Control Center, set everything back to their defaults, went back in game, and everything was back to normal.


So what I am saying is that when I already had anti-aliasing running on Fallout, it was removed when I tried to increase it through my Control Center. And nothing happened with Oblivion. So is there something that I am doing wrong or what? And if so, then can someone please tell me what it is that I am doing wrong.


- Elsarian

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