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Got a New Idea NEED PEOPLE!!


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What the...


Who are you to come here and demand everybody for a mod and you won't even post what it's about. I'll be surprised if any decent people take you seriously.


You joined yesterday, and you haven't even introduced yourself. Your first post is demanding a huge team to work on what you think is the ultimate mod. You are nobody to us. You need to supply a lot more information


Read this thread http://forum.gamingsource.net/index.php?showtopic=26095 Right now. Go on, read it and learn. Then tell us what you are doing if you want any help.


And you're overseeing? That had better not mean sitting on your ass giving other people work.


Once Peregrine and Vagrant0 see this, you're in for a big lecture.



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If you don't supply people with details, then your recruitment thread isn't going to go anywhere. Simple fact.


So, locking this, please make a new thread including actual details about your mod if you want anyone to join.

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