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Is House good or bad?... or both?


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Howdy pardners!


This is my first post so i'd like to start by saying that my english is not the best so try not to laugh if you find stupid errors...


Basically my question is what's on the title, is Mr. House a bad or good "guy"?


If you dont have problems with any possible spoilers than read click on the spoiler to see the full version of my question and you'll see why am i asking this...



So my question as the title sugests is if House is good or bad, i have done a few missions for him at the same time that i was working for the NCR, but then then i've received a mission from that girl from NCR wich i forgot the name, the liutenant or Colonel or whatever to kill Mr.House and i didn't felt quite good at all about it so i decided to do some missions for him, to see what kind of "person" he was, and it was all going quite fine, i got him the chip and then he asked me to go to that fort in the Ceaser's Camp to upload the data on the chip to a terminal there, well, when i arrived there what i saw was an entire army of securitrons enough to invade the entire wasteland and as most of us already know, Mr.House is not very fond of NCR and NCR was by far my favourite city of Fallout 2 not to mention it was founded by Aradesh, the guy with the first animated face i saw in Fallout 1 (The leader of Shady Sands to those who dont know), anyway, i still completed the mission, then, my next mission was tho get the boomers to help him with their howitzers so he could chose is own targets when the war began, once again i thought twice but ended up completing the misson, then i had to f*ck up some omerta gangsters at the Gomorra casino wich i actually enjoyed and then he asked me to obliterate the mighty brotherhood of steel, i was already suspicious about him before that but to kill the B.O.S, not a chance, they are by far my favourite faction in Fallout (all games (including tactics... lol)), anyway, i killed Mr.House, but when i did it i got a note named "A tragedy has befallen mankind" and after reading it i almost felt bad for killing him, well, i did felt bad (not to mention i liked Victor) but not as bad as if i killed the Brotherhood of Steel, but i always saw reason in House's comments, even about the BOS and NCR yhough i didn't fully agree with his points of view, anyway, i wanted to know what your opinions are about Mr.House and sorry for the long story instead of just sticking to the title as simple question but i just wanted for you guys to know my point of view.


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IMHO house is evil but you shouldn't make him suffer, he should've died years ago.


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I think Mr House was more bad than good. When he woke up, 200 years after the war, he ordered his Securitrons to forcefully remove everyone off the Strip to make way for his three families. In that removal, many innocent people got killed. Then, we move onto his greed. He wants the Courier to give him the Platinum Chip in order to upgrade his Securitron army in order to keep New Vegas to himself.


Also, if he is as good as he claims, then he should be getting along with the NCR. Also, the Brotherhood of Steel pose little or no threat to him, but he still wants them wiped out. Without a doubt, he'd have probably used to Boomer's Howitzers to eliminate both the Legion and the NCR.


All in all, he's a bad guy.

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IMHO house is evil but you shouldn't make him suffer, he should've died years ago.




Yes, i also thought about let him stay alive but he said that he would last a year at most due to bacteria and germs contamination so instead of letting die slowly stuck in that suspension tank i thought that killing him woulded be better.


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Well, in that case Bethesda/Obsidian team did successes with the intention to make all the factions in NV "equal" in lot of aspects. I remember a video from Bethesda site when they pushed hard on to not have just a good side and a bad side (like FO3) to choose from and instead push the player to take an active role into whom they wanted to support or maybe even none of them.


I find Mr.House as you say both! It seems to started good and with good intentions, but after 200 year in a machine it feels the bad part taken over and he turned into a more cynical calculator than a human of flesh and blood.


I took the more provocative path and wanted to be the new Kingpin of it all myself, but currently the game ends where all the fun you might taken into your mind to achieve for NewVegas area should begin.

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This was my ending:




Supporting the ideals of independence, the Courier was recognized as the woman responsible for a truly free New Vegas. She ensured that Mr. House's tyranny was broken and that neither Caesar's Legion nor NCR would ever gain control over New Vegas.



I am satisfied with it.

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I assumed he was worse than he was having mistaken him for his (half?) brother after visiting the H&H Tools factory. Does that make him not evil? Er, dunno. I didn't feel especially good about being asked to "deal with him", though.
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I think of Mr. House as roughly the same as Caesar. They're both capable of being great men with their abilities (House with his technical skill and Caesar with his charisma), but they choose instead to fight for mere survival as if that somehow justifies the means. If it were possible, I would convince both of them to disabuse themselves of this need to base their ideals on the crude and vulgar need to prolong their mortal imperfections, but this game doesn't let me get that deeply into character.
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