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Realistic Male Hairstyles


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Apachii skyhair doesn't look realistic and looks more like something from an anime.


Mainly more short hairstyles, and curly ones if they exist,




Some short hairstyles would also be nice, because even now when the hairstyles are "short", they are still thick and long!


More believable male hairstyles would be great! Like this mod: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/28936/?

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Men are least played in the world of TES. So not that much mods for them lol. Apachii skyhair has some hairs that could work that have been made into this mod http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/63428/?tab=3&selected_game=110&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fskyrim%2Fajax%2Fmodimages%2F%3Fid%3D63428%26user%3D1%26gid%3D110&pUp=1


There is ks haridos, but most of the hairs are for stylish guys and you have too look it up in tumblr.

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  • 7 months later...

Hi there

I agree.. woman is gr8t to have in game, but I also prefer being myself as a male in game.

I have now surge high and low to no avail,. except for apatchii (witch is still one of the best to add to skyrim , but still limited in male hair designs ) and one on steam, there just isn't real variety for male hair.

And in reality to many male gamers..is every one playing as females lol?

I have seen post request dating back to 1012 requesting more male hair,..

others and my self have asked Apatchii if they have any future plans in making more male hair.. perhaps we can be soo gracefully blessed by there awsum work.. ;-) some day, or even a different Modder

AlienSensei​ is wright on the money in style , game of thrones -lord of the rings style ,.and maybe some added variety , example some based on final fantasy , bleach or Naruto style's might also work nicely.. might

Until then

Happy gaming all

Edited by venomzz
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