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No enhanced weapons


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First of all, I have not searched the net so I don't know if this already exist. If so, can anyone point me towards it?


My only problem with The Elder Scrolls universe (Morrowind, Oblivion, TESV) is the enhanced weapons.

Though we got dragons and magic, I find the enhanced weapons to be too unrealistic. Burning swords, freezing war hammers, soul catching bows etc. I don't get it. And how can you use such weapons without hurting yourself at the same time..? Myself, I never use such weapons when I play.



So I wonder, can one of you talented modders make a mod that removes enhanced weapons?

I can live fine with magic rings and necklaces that provides "help", but not weapons that deals extra damage due to enhancements.


I know this will affect quest weapons like the bow and arrows (don't remember their names) in the Dawnguard DLC, but for me that does not matter. I don't use them anyway..

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Why it doesn't hurt you? That simple, look at the enchanted weapons, they don't have fire or ice coating in them, but have written daedric letters all over them. It safe to the touch and handle. It only "awakes" when attacking dragons and bandits.


If your request was made, your game will break. Many quest items used are enchanted. You will break every questline and get CTD and freezes. Since scripts in the quests should give you an enchanted item, but it will be unable to find any. So it better to ignore them.


Plus, do you see skilled sword man cut his one hand? There are sword that cut hairs upon touch and other that break steel. They don't touch the blade.


Also the most too unrealistic? Try dragons not being able to burn small houses, blacksmiths not able to make you anything, the ratway that said to be horrible is a laughing matter, a vampire lord castle can be seen form solitude and no one thought about visiting for years, a dragon that can eat the earth is only as big as a school bus, blind monsters that can shoot and use poisons, the ability to have a hovering fire in your palm, the ability to have 100 arrow in your head and still be alive, a merchant that sell baskets also has dragon armor, you can steal anything if you placed a basket on npc near you, the fish you "harvest." transforms into a steak, inn keepers don't sleep, all kids have the same face, you can be an guild leader in a 2 days.

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yeah, "realistic" is a poor choice of words.


But in essence I do unterstand the OP as I too almost never use enchanted weapons because I am not too fond of them (only on some chars).


I also do not think that removing enchantments will break anything if done properly. Well, just removing the enchantment from Auriel's bow would break it, but you could exclude some quest related items.


The way you could make this work is via a patcher (not my expertise though) that would give all weapons an "empty" enchantment that does nothing and looks plain. Or do it manually (safer but tedious).


In short: possible but would take effort, at least a lot of tedious clicking in the CK.


Easiest way would be to remove the enchanted versions from leveled lists. That way the amount of enchanted weaponry would decrease by 90% or so.

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If your request was made, your game will break. Many quest items used are enchanted. You will break every questline and get CTD and freezes. Since scripts in the quests should give you an enchanted item, but it will be unable to find any. So it better to ignore them.



For this part, I will say it sounds logic, and thanks for answer.



The other parts I just read blah blah blah. No need to lecture me in things I and everyone else already knows.

Be helpful, not an smartass..


But thanks again for the helpful part. :)

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I'll quickly answer why it doesn't hurt you, using words from the catalogue of weapon enchantments:


"Weapon [sic] such as axes and bows can hold a wide variety of enchantments. The most common are fire, frost and lightning. The simple, yet effective enchantments burn, freeze or shock when they draw blood."


The weapon enchantments are activated by blood.

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