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A request for Food/Potion mod. (vampire/werewolf themed)


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Hi Nexus Forums,


I would appreciate if a superior modder (which I am not) could make a mod for me. The mod is when the PC consumes any and all food/potions, they do the Afflicted spew effect for a few seconds and die.


This would be a great mod for vampires, as vampires cannot consume anything other than blood. Also a mod for people that don't want to use any food or potions and think food and potions are OP.


Of course this doesn't happen to food/potion quest items.


A silly request, I know, but it would be great to have when playing a vampire or a werewolf.



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Better Vampires and Vampiric thirst make it so you wont be affected by potions or healing if you so choose, also a Vampire considering they can turn themselves into Mist would have a far greater degree of control over their physical body then a mortal would so who is to say they cant eat it? they would just not receive any benifits from eating it.

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