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Stupidist Oblivion Moment?


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i have one ... I hate highwaymen dont you? "your money or your life!" screw you.

I once met up with a khajit one. "your money or your life!" I gave him the 100 septims... "smart choise!" he says, and then he gives a BIG smile at me! (you know when you bribe them till the end thats how they look at you)... though what a stupid little mortal, cant he see a furios khajit in a Dark Angel costume? im smarter than that. I sighed with boredom and circled all the way around the place so i came back and his facing the opposite way. Using my sneaky skills i pickpoketed my well earned money back. Than I stood up and going to my way I hear "What can i do for you?!" from that big smiling face of his. Fool of fools.

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Had a new one yesterday, I was messing around with the Hilarity mod to raise my skills, and whilst fighting a titan ogre in the imperial city, I noticed that one of the people had summoned Mythic dawn armor. So once the ogre was dead I, of course, shot him in the face, assuming that I was doing a community service. Apparently not. The guard at once descended upon me :huh: . Apparently attacking a member of a doom cult which sees fit to bring about the end of the world and kill the entire Septim family without provocation is a bad thing :glare: .
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Stupidest moment: buying the collector's edition of Oblivion on release day, out of faith that all my suspicions of poor design would be proved groundless. But no, not only did it barely run on my computer, but the game was a complete disappointment and a waste of $60.


I second that except it was in £. Also Coinless because dog + chase = jackshyte (didn't swollow it from vet xray).


Mine was disarming a marauder-> picking up the weapon and not noticing the blatanly big whilte warning that i was encumbered -> get pissed off thinking it was a bug and died by his gang. "Stupid is as stupid does."

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As I sometimes play a very short character, the stupid things that I do now and then are:

Fall off a cliff because I can't see over the grass.

Grab an item on the counter when I try to talk to a merchant and get accused of theft.

The dangers of being small I suppose. :P

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As I sometimes play a very short character, the stupid things that I do now and then are:

Fall off a cliff because I can't see over the grass.

Grab an item on the counter when I try to talk to a merchant and get accused of theft.

The dangers of being small I suppose. :P


Imagine one of those traps with boulders falling down o_O


My stupid moment.. Um... Well it's in Oblivion, but I never make backups of my data folder, and that's kinda stupid.


In Oblivion... Sometimes I fight something and some guards help, and I do a power attack on the creatures. But I often end up hitting the guard, who happens to be hurt already, so he gets killed. ;)

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How bout this one?


My exotic cat sat broke my copy, so i had to go and buy another.


As i was walking out, a kid asked if they had any copies left, they did, but he couldnae afford it.. so.. well, i gave him mine, for free.. Heh.. after chatting with the store owners, i walked outside. The boy and his mum were waiting outside, i smiled, and started to walk away, when his mum stopped me and tried to pay me at least a bit of something.. but.. since i believe that the best rewards are not material in nature, i declined the payment, after all, thanks was more then enough. She said that i changed her outlook on Gothic People.. because i was wearing my normal attire, (black cut-offs, silk trenchcoat with the sleeves cut away, w/o undershirt, my celtic cuff, my collar, and my 8 claw rings. lol.. actually, the colleen's love it.. after all, instead of a shirt, i just pain Iceni symbols on my chest and stomach, and since i work out, it's pretty awesome.) which made me feel really good..


I don't regret giving it away, but sometimes i really want to play it, and have a d'oh!! moment. haha.. but eh.. other's consider it stupid, but i don't. usually. :)

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...and my 8 claw rings...






Where do you get those :ph34r: ?



Haha. At the Dark Entry in Berkeley, California. I am hoping to get a job there, or at 24 Hr. Fitness.

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Mine is when I first got the game, I knocked something over so I picked it up and stuck it on the table. They guy yelled "Stop theif," and I killed him and got all the guards on me. Owned by 5 of them :(
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Hie hie, most of my dumb moments were when I got Morrowind, walking into pubs and thinking it would be appreciated if I picket junk up of the floor...and a prize moment which doomed my first character when I saved in the middle of an attack by cliffracers and an Ogrim, also before I knew of console command :dry:


In Oblivion I only feel a bit dumb when my character bumps into a table in the Feeding Bag and sends everything flying, all the grace of a master acrobat for nothing.

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