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Spores, Molds and Fungi


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So i did a search and could not find anything about what i was looking for so....


Why can we not harvest all those spores and fungus that are just laying around in the caves and other areas? I think that a lot of those mushrooms, fungus and spore stuff could be pretty usefull.


In RL most of our healing drugs come from plants like these, also some pretty funky drugs :wacko:


Is there a mod? or would anyone be willing to create one that allows someone to harvets all these plants laying around? My friend plays a strung out druggy character and even he says he wishes he could harvest these things to create his own wild and funky drugs.


Its just a thought but i think Bethesda shoulda made all these plants and mushrooms harvestable.....even adding mushrooms to some of the Stew/ Meal recipies to make them better :thumbsup:


Any ideas on this?




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