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How can our mods be real if you Skyrims aren't real?


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Philosophy? Have you read Plato's dialogs? I think you may find the answer to your query there. Or, maybe not. :ermm:


What is reality? Are we really living in someone elses simulacrum? Or does it really hurt when you stub your toe and it's not just your imagination?


Are you real? or just another figment of my imagination? Nah, my imagination has better grammar better than that. So you must at least think you are real whether you are - or not. :teehee:


I think, therefore I am. I think. :blush:


See what kind of trouble you can open up with philosophy? :pinch:

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Philosophy has nothing to do with your non-belief,i've been there done that.Mods aren't real to you because you have not yet become fully Skyriminized.Skyriminization is achieved when one has met M'aiq the Liar at your neighborhood grocery at noon on a Saturday by the cumquats.I met him there two years ago and he's still there today polishing his fingernails.After meeting M'aiq you will then be led on a quest to find out what the hell to do with your cumquats.Believe it or not it's a very common question that is actually an attempt at misdirection,ignore the quest and the second part will reveal itself.It's a very short quest(the second part) that ends with a lengthy interrogation by your local police department.Don't fear the police they are there to help you in your journey toward Skyriminization.You will then encounter the men in white coats,be forthright and honest with these men for they are the touchstone,the doorway,the key to Skyriminization.They'll pretend like they don't know what you're talking about,however it is a clever ruse to find just how much you already know.Once you have dealt with the men in white coats your Skyriminization should be complete and you should no longer question the reality of Skyrim or the modifications of that reality.

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