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North Korea Shells South Korea


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All in all, it'll benefit China much more on the long term if they didn't get involved.


When North Korea gets involved in a war, China is directly involved too. Different from Russia that has cancelled the military aspects of the mutual assistance pact already in 1996, China is still bound to the given pact that includes military assistance by the People's Liberation Army.

As my grandma has allegedly said on the eve of the Yom Kippur War, directed to the Arabs:

"Come in... and find out"


Do... or do not. There is no try

_ Master Yoda


In order to get attuned:

A popular army song used in a modern Kung Fu movie




My name is Legion, for we are many.

You will be afraid...

Edited by Surenas
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Chaosblade02, life doesn't work in the way that you can make decisions that can affect that many in such a temperamental manner.


Sure it does, and always has and people do make decisions like that every day. Any way we look at it, whether we attack NK or impose harsh diplomacy on them, or leave them alone, civilians will die, there is simply no way around it, so you may as well just accept that. If we give them aid, they will just feed their armies. We may as well just nuke the bastards right?

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I cannot believe you just said that.


Im genuinely shocked.


You would make a terrifyingly bad political leader ChaosBlade, but a very popular military commander-your willingness to slaughter millions of people out of temper would assure you a long and dignity deprived career.

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I cannot believe you just said that.


Im genuinely shocked.


You would make a terrifyingly bad political leader ChaosBlade, but a very popular military commander-your willingness to slaughter millions of people out of temper would assure you a long and dignity deprived career.


If I was a political leader, I wouldn't be defending South Korea, period, but what I would be doing is sending troops to invade Mexico and crush the cartels, some border cities have the highest murder rates in the world, even higher than any city in Iraq or Afghanistan. Juarez Mexico is a ****ing warzone directly on OUR borders. All made in an effort by the drug cartels to secure a way to bring more drugs in. That s*** is bound to spill over to our side eventually. Mexico is inept at dealing with this problem, but I think US marines could. My main concern is for the lives of US citizens, making the world one big happy place where everyone gets along is impossible, so its better to not waste efforts, resources, and lives of the US to pursue anything as naive as world peace.

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Chaosblade02, life doesn't work in the way that you can make decisions that can affect that many in such a temperamental manner.


Sure it does, and always has and people do make decisions like that every day. Any way we look at it, whether we attack NK or impose harsh diplomacy on them, or leave them alone, civilians will die, there is simply no way around it, so you may as well just accept that. If we give them aid, they will just feed their armies. We may as well just nuke the bastards right?


The only one who would nuke NK and it would have to be preemptive to avoid serious damage to its allies is the US and that would most likely bring a response from China and that could get us all killed ,not a good idea at all.


The best solution to this might be ,NK starts it,SK gets lucky and takes out their nukes and nuclear facilities ,then proceeds to beat up on a technologically inferior and half starved NK army that has no will to fight.The US lends no direct military force to aid SK ,China does not aid NK cause they started it and SK takes over the North.China does not have to appear weak or explain to its people why it let a democratic country take over a communist ally (NK started it after all) and as per a US - China deal the Korean peninsula is declared a non nuclear neutral zone in which China assures its security and American forces leave Korea ,this might work but oh my god so many things would have to fall into place and it would be a miracle if it did.


All other scenario's potentially lead us to a general regional war that could go nuclear and that could lead to WW III.

Edited by Harbringe
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Chaosblade02, life doesn't work in the way that you can make decisions that can affect that many in such a temperamental manner.


Sure it does, and always has and people do make decisions like that every day. Any way we look at it, whether we attack NK or impose harsh diplomacy on them, or leave them alone, civilians will die, there is simply no way around it, so you may as well just accept that. If we give them aid, they will just feed their armies. We may as well just nuke the bastards right?


The only one who would nuke NK and it would have to be preemptive to avoid serious damage to its allies is the US and that would most likely bring a response from China and that could get us all killed ,not a good idea at all


My point was the entire situation is a lose-lose situation for us, so we may as well pull out. Some have already suggested that SK could defend against NK just fine, and I think that is probably right, so let them choose and fight for their own fate, and leave us out of it. As far as I know, SK doesn't have nukes, but we could give them a few as a deterrent to NK before we pull out if that makes them feel any better.

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Start with the military service first, chaosblade, hmm?

You have now for the second time raped the thread with martial off topic nonsense.

First Israel, now Mexico.


Wonder if you know what's up with the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty?


That's boring folks :wallbash:

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Start with the military service first, kid, hmm?

You have now for the second time raped the thread with martial off topic nonsense.

First Israel, now Mexico.


That's boring.


SK is a supposed "Ally" of the US, and the fact is, our troops and resources will be put to defend SK if the worst happens, Israel is in the same boat that SK is. We need to be defending our own borders, before we worry about defending everyone elses.


You are the one who threw a hissy fit over people critiquing Israel in a negative light, WAAHHH I was born there, quit being critical!! You are boring.

Edited by Chaosblade02
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