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Skyrim Discworld: Dungeon and interior designers needed


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I don't know, man. I've read a bunch of stuff and I've seen a bunch of videos but I still do not really know what discworld is. All I get is that it is a questmod taking place in its own worldspace. But what is the theme, the story etc.?


No offense, but I've never even heard of "Discworld" (the writings this is apparently based on). Sounds like a stage in a Megaman game to me.

Best money you will ever spend




The theme is basically a new worldspace with a ton of new quests, there are branching story arc quests and tons of individual ones. Mostly, from me, I am doing this to learn first and foremost, secondly to pay homage to storys that have inspired me. The platform is Skyrim, the main theme type of fantasy gone real with a edge of satirical is DIscworld, and the rest is up to whimsy. There is a Hamlet type quest, a monty python/breaking bad themed quest (Just go with me on this it worked), Crazy body part dealing girl with zombie bards, helping to get a post office operational, Police investigation quests with the watch members, a partially done arena with theme fights, and more.


There is no good way to describe it as a whole without a frigging paragraph or two because it's like a variety show on steroids, I am trying to interconnect and twine as many together as I can and give a feel to a working co-existing community. And it's not all comedy, a lot planned are serious and may sometimes have a lilt but it's like coming at comedy from a angle. Just play the mod F it rofl, I might do some streams and Q@A at some point and leave the videos up etc for people who want a ton more information. This isn't your normal run of the mill Skyrim.

In a nutshell, this project is fun, daring, amazing and currently deeply poignant. If you are able, you should get involved. Else you will kick yourself in years to come.



Yep agreed, I just need someone who can sell it better apparently :P

Figure you know the year worth of work and dozen+ hours of quests and cool videos and all that jazz would sell it better but bleeeeh lol

BRB gonna hire kaynes PR firm

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Well ya but they become slimmer when this gets thrown to page 14 and "I AM 12 AND HAVE GREAT MOD IDEA DO ALL MAH WURK PLOX I CAN MAKE HAS STORYZ" Thread gets bumped 79 times by us....


I think at the moment I now have enough dungeons for phase 2 but more craziness is always a good thing :)

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