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Hilarious Moments In NV vs FO3


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In FO3 One was exposed to a Increasingly amount of Interestingly Funny Moments, For example the return of an annoying Companion that has been redundant for the Betheseda Franchise, Also including the encounters of Weird rooms and Npc's.


However I Haven't Experienced Quite the same amount In Obsidian's New Vegas, with the Exception of the Npc; No-Bark.

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You know what, i have to agree with you. Having played hours of Oblivion, i had sooo many laughs because of strange NPCs or situations. I did not have as many laughs at Fallout 3, although definitely strange areas. NV even less so on both categories.
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FO3 -- off the top of my head:

  • I could go back and listen to Sierra Petrovita rant about Nuka-Cola over and over
  • Likewise, I could listen to Harold go on for hours, best and funniest voice acting in FO3
  • Every one in Little Lamplight (except Princess) was a hoot, especially Zip
  • Bittercup trying to hit on me
  • Gary!
  • The whole AntAgonizer/Mechanist sub-plot

F:NV -- I haven't played all the way through yet but I've LOL-ed a number of times so far:

  • Deputy Beagle
  • Fantastic at Helios One
  • Tyrone's quick seduction via Black Widow was funny

All in all, I find the humor quotient of both games to be about the same with FO3 edging out just a bit because of Sierra. :)

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In FO3 One was exposed to a Increasingly amount of Interestingly Funny Moments, For example the return of an annoying Companion that has been redundant for the Betheseda Franchise, Also including the encounters of Weird rooms and Npc's.


However I Haven't Experienced Quite the same amount In Obsidian's New Vegas, with the Exception of the Npc; No-Bark.


I'm trying to figure out which annoying companion you're referring to, I'd assume Harold since he's made repeat appearances, but I don't recall him always being a companion. So it be the dog..? Ian was more annoying =P


I honestly forgot all the funny moments from FO3, only being reminded of any thanks to CarlCorey, like Sierra and that guy (can't remember name off the top of my head) that would blatantly hit on her with her remaining completely oblivious, I think it was Ron or something with an R. The big things I remember from FO3 is laying out the first Mutant Behemoth, Lyon's Pride (mainly Sarah, I think that was her name) and the big ol robot - not counting all the DLCs as those were probably more memorable individually than the original game.


But yes, the antagonizer and the mechanist was classic.


Fantastic was great, Veronica's dialogue has some great one-liners, other than that, nothing really comes to mind specifically. Last time I got a laugh was finding out that someone wanted to sleep with my character when I was just planning to bring her more of the things she requested. No-bark is decent, but one can easily miss him and/or skip him.


There's humor to be found in the Mojave wasteland for sure, though methinks the majority relies on specific dialogue choices.

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Don't forget using Black Widow on Ronald Laren. Fallout 3 has lots of fun and funny moments. I've struggled to find anything at all funny in New Vegas. I even took Wild Wasteland on my second character and so far it's been a sheer waste of a trait.
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I dunno. I think its a really subjective topic.


When I think about it, I believe I have laughed out loud just as equally among all Bethseda games.


New Vegas, there were a few recent instances that I remember.


How I took out Benny....with Black Widow, being a female, and a high speech.....


Some of the conversation choices with both Veronica and ESPECIALLY, Cass, are really funny. Cass, its due to her crass comments...one was so vile that I couldn't believe what I heard and is very unique.


New Vegas actually had performing comedians to listen to - not really funny, but amusing, and something that hasn't been seen in previous games from Bethseda. From there, the usual amusing quips from various characters.


There is plenty of "dark humor", much like FO3 and Oblivion.

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