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Skyrims kind of Fantasy bums me out


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Well, have you ever played (or even better, GM-ed) a table-top role-playing game? I did, and so I tend to judge computer rpgs by the degree of (still, rather superficial) verisimilitude to those.


Skyrim feels like these 70's / early 80's "classic" fantasy rpg-s (Glorantha, Palladium, etc), and Witcher is based on 90's book series by certain author whose prose is rich in dialogues and thin in worldbuiiding (to the extent of not including ever a map of the fantasy world, and mocking this fantasy habit in published essays, that is). A lot of what you're bringing up follows from this intentional difference.

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yes, actually putting work into a mod would be far too much to ask of you. so, rather stick to sweepingly bashing every mod ever as low quality.

If you wanna make this whole thing about your hurt feelings i would ask you to move on.

Most Mods are qualitvly low, most of the nexus is dead space and there is no quality control and never will be, because we are talking about free lunch here. This is why Video Game Creation is still the sphere or professionels and huge development teams, because amateurs produce amateurish products. I'am not the kind of person that pads people on the head just because they did something. And so for i'am not interessted in your opinion about what i should do or how you feel about mine. Have fun playing your Assassins Creed squeeze.




Skyrim feels like these 70's / early 80's "classic" fantasy rpg-s (Glorantha, Palladium, etc), and Witcher is based on 90's book series by certain author whose prose is rich in dialogues and thin in worldbuiiding (to the extent of not including ever a map of the fantasy world, and mocking this fantasy habit in published essays, that is). A lot of what you're bringing up follows from this intentional difference.

Again, Witcher is just one example i pud up. But from that standpoint it is somehow ironic, that the world which creators didn't spend so much time on developing seams to be more authentic to me, because it doesn't have this feeling of "being build". In the TES Series for example you have all these books and lore and backgroundstories that should give the whole world more depth, but at the end nothing of this stuff matters anyhow. There is no real development in this world non the less the stories jump over centuries, especialy when things have to be visual like in videogames. Best example is TES Online. It is just the same all over again and so horribly sticky to fantasy clichees. With Witcher 2 in the end, the whole thing was basicly the result of very earthly intentions broke down to conspiracy and murder, while in the last few TES Games its all about some damn prophecy and monsters coming out of the twillight zone causing the end of the world.

At the point where find these notes in the talmor embassy in skyrim about that the Stormcloak Leader is one of their Assets i thought the whole story could become more depth, but shouldn't happen. All the characters are flatly drawn and everything they do lacks compleyity. Imperials are Religious Bigots somehow and Stormcloaks are Racist. Wow, what a creative way to color the shades of grey in which human conflicts are drawn. But maybee this is the wrongest point someone could criticize about the Fantasy Genre, the very one genre that lives off "Good against Evil".

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As far as 'earthly intentions' vs 'prophecy and twilight zone monsters'... Well, yeah, sure. A lot of people on the Bethesda Forums would probably agree with you there. However, doing so requires you to decode that Tamriel is like our world, rather than following dramatically different rules. Gravity doesn't even exist in Tamriel as we understand it...


It's true there are some scaling problems, and Bethesda has never really written overly interesting characters, but it seems like most of what your complaining about is surface problems which are EXPLAINED by the settings depth.

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yes, actually putting work into a mod would be far too much to ask of you. so, rather stick to sweepingly bashing every mod ever as low quality.

Most Mods are qualitvly low, most of the nexus is dead space and there is no quality control and never will be, because we are talking about free lunch here. This is why Video Game Creation is still the sphere or professionels and huge development teams, because amateurs produce amateurish products. I'am not the kind of person that pads people on the head just because they did something. And so for i'am not interessted in your opinion about what i should do or how you feel about mine. Have fun playing your Assassins Creed squeeze.


You may not care for my opinion but neither do I care about you caring or not. You opened a thread and that's what you get: people's opinions. And mine is that you made a monumentaly foolish statement insulting a vast part of the modding community in a forum of a website entirely dedicated to mod creations. You seem to be the kind of person who received one too many pads on the head with a heavy object.

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The Nexus would probably benefit from something like a curated "gold" section containing only mods that are high quality and actually improve the game in some way.


To qualify, mods would have to take care of compatibility with other gold mods and have no significant bugs. Mods could lose gold status when unresolved bugs are present. To prevent me-too mods and user confusion, only a limited number of mods would be allowed in each category.


But that's just my opinion.

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Just a couple of things I'd like to comment on here. I believe the statement that the average age of Skyrim players is between 12 and 18 years is totally off. I'd put money down on there being more 40+ year old players than teens. Why? Because it attracts those "olde folks" who played D&D before PCs were available at a store near you. Those D&D players who made the bridge actually used their floppy disc PCs to streamline the bulkiness of the rpg by bringing the multitude of charts and even 20 sided die rolls into their computers.


The other statement I'm taking exception to is the blanket statement about low quality mods for Skyrim. I just pulled up the Nexus front page and see there are 39,825 flies for Skyrim alone on Nexus today. Even if only 1% of these "qualify" as high quality mods, that's nearly 340 outstanding mods available here alone. By simple laws of probability the statement has no merit.


I personally think the developers could have done a better job with the NPCs in the game, however with a few mods found on this site I've even "fixed" that so it's no longer an issue for my own enjoyment of the game.


Still haven't finished my first play-through of Skyrim but I can all ready guarantee it won't be my last.

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Its funny lol, Youre posting your opinion here in the Skyrim section of the Nexus, And then youre getting angry cause people has a different opinion, WHAT DID YOU EXPECT?


Post in the witcher section instead and im sure more would agree with you.


No i simply dont find the witcher 1 or 2 interesting while ive been playing the TES series for over 12 years and still find them interesting.


In the witcher your charachter and story has already been decided from the beginning while the TES games dosnt give a s... about that,You can be a gallant knight or a premium arsehole. And thats one of the main reasons what keeps me dragged towards them.

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