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A Whip! *Crack!*


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Been playing a lot of Castevania lately and I realised (after some searching) that there doesn't seem to be a whip weapon mod for Oblivion. My dreams of hunting undead and findign treasure with my trusty whip were dashed. Dashed I tell you!


I was just wondering if anyone had seen one anywere or is willing to make one?


The closest thing i could find was a flail modders resource (http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=14941). If the handle was shortened and the chain lengthened (with the bludgioning part removed completely of course) it could make a decent chain-whip. Especially if the chain was waay lengthened and the atatck range increased. Sadly it goes waaay beyond my skills to do so.


Would anybody be interested in this? *gets out a sign that reads 'Will hunt vampyres 4 chain-whip'*.

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Whips are very tricky, if not impossible, to make. It's not possible to have Havok run on a weapon or armor that's equipped, so your only option is for it to be permanently animated (like that flail was) or static (Ends up looking freakish).


However, not quite willing to shoot down dreams like that, I decided to remove the head from the flail and see what it looks like. I just modified the iron flail mesh in the original mod, so you'll have to use the same .esp and the iron flail to see it ingame, or create your own plugin for it.



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