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BLOG PIECE: Modding as a hobby versus modding as a career, and the position of the Nexus


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Is it a bad concept? I don't think so, some mods released are even better than the ones released by Beth, THE CREATORS, and creators did it for free, only for bragging rights.


However, what vEAlve is doing is just plain mobster robbery, sure, taking a 10% cut to maintain servers, etc, is reasonable, BUT f*#@ing SEVENTY FIVE PERCENT of the sale goes to them, for "distribution" rights, that pisses me off.


Piracy may become involved, they do it with games, they do it with DLC, they do it for any paid concept, pirating paid mods may not be far off.


Regardless, I bet if Nexus did it, they wouldn't take 75% of the proceeds, or maybe they would, I don't know.



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It's happened. It's really f*cking happened. The Dark Ages continue to get worse.


I mean WTF?! Who with a brain thinks this is any good in the long term? Then again, lots of gaming companies nowadays are greedy. short sighted idiots. I mean Bugthesda is really bad and stupid and low, but this is a new low. Say goodbye to the awesome TES and Fallout 3/NV modding communities of the past. Welcome even more DLC in a world already saturated with that BS. This will only corrupt modding more (it was rather pure before this though). I see a years down the line more and more adding this BS system. And to those who think this is a good system, you are very short sighted. Look at, let's say, games nowadays. A lot more games where made with passion and care around 2005 and before. Some of those games are legends that are still played and talked about today. Look at a lot of games nowadays. DLC ridden, bug ridden, uncared for trash that panders to COD kids and the like. None of them will be remembered years from now (barring maybe a few good things that stand away form the s*it pile like Skyrim and New Vegas, etc.). Gaming has degraded a lot since around 2005 and before. Modding will do the same. It's supposed to be a hobby that you do for the fun of it, for practice in game making and programming, and/or (unfortunately) ego. I suspect years from now, many things will change for the worse, like a lot of society has. Quick cash grabs have proven to be failures in long term customer loyalty, and it will prove like this again. This is all tying to the greed and stupidity that marks these years. Say goodbye to your awesome free modding and maybe modding in general for TES and Fallout and maybe even more. Because while maybe TE 3-5 and FO3/FNV won't lose their current modding communities, do not expect FO4 and TES 6 tobe the same as previous games with their modding. I hope this idead ends blowing up in Bugthesda's, Valve's, and the greedy modders' faces and ends up costing them money and customer loyalty. We don't need yet another thing tainted by corporate greed. But modding has yet again been corrupted


While maybe you can persuade me that donations to modders is an okay thing, you cannot conince me that this idea will be any good in the long run. Practically nothing greedy has. Bug will use this to be even more lazy in their game making and maybe will even shutdown modding for their games altogether, using a select few "modders" to make s*itty, overpriced DLCs for them. Anyways, bad modders like me don't deserve any compensation for our work. Modding is a fun hobby, and I'd like it to remain that way. Bringing in greed only hurts it.


Yeah, this is a rant. It's what I do. But people never get it. They keep making the same mistakes and bringing others around them down. I'm good at foreseeing when things will get even worse, and this is a sure sign of things to come. I don't expect free mods to ever get phased out, but I expect them to be rarer if this thing takes off even more and gains traction with others. No one benefits in the long run with this.

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In response to post #24561324. #24561469 is also a reply to the same post.

WaRLocKThEoRy wrote:
TheMathus wrote: I totaly agree with you !

Except you're using a lot of existing assets and the like that AREN'T yours. You don't deserve money for using others' work like that. Modders don't deserve money for a lot of reasons, but this is just one.
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It's sad that Valve is now selling mods and encouraging authors to sell their work. As for me, as per the usual process I'll be downloading mods I haven't downloaded yet in case the author decided to transfer their mods to workshop. Good thing most popular mods are already finished and no longer updated, Edited by kanakosoup
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This things could be kill the open-source world which orbit around the game-modding.

I really hope that the modders will be strong enough to keep they opera free, and will still upload 'em on Nexus. I also hope that Nexus will still keep mod free and based on donation, which is the best way to feed the open-source community. On Facebook DarkFox127 have already annouced that he will and still made modding for free.


This Valve action can really damage the mod community, I'm pretty scared O.o

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