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Lighting, ENB, weather effects etc. - get started


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Right, so I've never put much effort into making my Skyrim look good. For me it's mostly about getting mods that will fit a certain build I have in mind at the time, as well as gameplay changes. But seeing all the visual mods showcased by Cam and Seb, I kinda wanna get into it. Problem is, how the hell do you choose from all the mods out there?


So what I request is, suggest me the best mods that change the lighting, weather and all things like that so I get everything covered. What's most important is to give nights and interiors a realistic level of darkness, to make torches/light spells/night-eye usable, but I also want a more beautiful Skyrim.

I'd prefer it to be kept to as few separate mods as possible.

Thank you.

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Well, see, because there are so many, how are you supposed to have the patience to carefully choose among them? Obviously you're not going to activate them all one at a time and go to all different kinds of locations to see how each looks, but just looking at pictures of all of them takes a lot of time. And even if you do, you'll find that most of them look really good, so how do you decide?


So really, all I'm requesting here is recommendations. If anyone has a good combo of these mods installed that they're completely happy with, I'd be likely to settle for that as well.

Edited by faffman
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Well, the best for it is this youtuber https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoEjvAplB6GaVJjCAwx3fJA he/she showcases enb with the mod needed. Nights, days, in homes and everything you will need.

And you really don't need that many mods or test that hard. Most of them have screenshot and youtube links.


And it really not that many mods, as soon as someone makes a mod that good. People don't make any other or it just that mainstream people pick it right away, like the book of shadows and skyrim HD. Or for weather pure or cot, lighting it RLO or ELFX..


The hardest part is lighting so here http://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/2i93lk/album_of_lightning_mods/

Edited by Boombro
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