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BanMePleasee - BANNED

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BanMePleasee banned.

Reason for the ban

I get some really lovely fanmail at times, it's such a nice start to the evening...


Sent Today, 09:22 PM

Dear f*#@face,
Just so you know, you are a nazi douche bag and I hope you are proud of the s#*! website you run. It ceases to amaze me the amount of f@&#!try that can come from one person. You think you are all high and mighty sitting on your throne of lies, smelling of beef and cheese, but in reality you are a f*#@face and no one likes you.
Everyone who has met you.

Needless to say, whomever you were - I'm sure it was nice knowing you.
Now be careful out there in the real world, it's a scary place and your keyboard won't protect you as much as you hope it will...


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