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A script to require different materials for tempering levels


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I am requesting somebody to write me a script for a patch that will make certain weapons require different materials for tempering. The mod I intend to patch is Nock to Tip. I would make the different bowstrings added by this mod requirements for tempering bows.


I'm assuming that a script is necessary because when I posted this, somebody pointed me to this page http://www.creationkit.com/ConstructibleObject_Script, as a possible help. Although, since I have no clue how to write scripts, I'm relying on a good samaritan to help me with that. Any help is appreciated.

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Scripting this is unnecessary. Just create duplicate recipes for tempering each bow and restrict them so that they only appear when the player has sufficient smithing skills to achieve the appropriate level of tempering. You could script it but all it would do is introduce opportunities for errors and take up script cycles.
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OK, I am having a problem. I copied the tempering recipes and made each one require a different material, as well as progressive Smithing perks. The problem is that they seem to be overwriting each other or something. On the bench they are supposed to appear, for some reason only the Legendary recipe is showing up (I mean the recipe that requires the material I assigned for the Legendary tier). The other recipes of lower ranks to not show up. What could be causing this?

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You used != when checking which perks they have EXCEPT on the Legendary recipe. On that one you correctly used ==. So, for the lower ones, you specifically make sure they DON'T have any usable perks.


Also, when you change that, they need changed to not be AND comparisons. Otherwise, they'll be required to have the master level perk to temper a basic long bow.


You don't need to check those higher perks unless they're independent of the lower ones. If you can get Master without Novice, then you need to check both with an OR. If you have to have Novice to get to Master, then just checking Novice is sufficient for the basic bow, and just checking Apprentice is sufficient for Superior.

Edited by Xander9009
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Please, forgive my ignorance, but I have some questions:


1) What do you mean by "!="? The only difference I see on the Legendary recipe is that the condition HasPerk > Legendary smithing is higher on the list than the other ones. Is that what I have to do on the other recipes? Move the condition up?


2) How do I make them not be AND comparisons? I am using TES5Edit. Would it be easier to use the CK?


3) Got it. I had that feeling too, but since things weren't working, I decided to try this to see if changed anything.

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Yes, use the CK. In the CK, you'll clearly see that the perks are using != (which means not equal). If you check "HasPerk SomePerk != 1" (which what it shows), then you're checking that the player does not have SomePerk.

To make them OR, double click it in the CK, click AND, and select OR. In TES5Edit, I have no idea.

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