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Water help


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... ive made a crater/pond which i want to fill with water but i cant/dont know how to put water down? any help?



OK don't kill me if I'm wrong, but I think you just need to edit the exterior cell your crater is in, and raise the water level. Right click the cell and choose Edit, then in the Common data tab, where it says Has Water, raise the level until you can see the water appear. In my little test, I had to raise the level to 500 just to see it, but I think it depends heavily on the heightmap of your external cell. All external cells have water by default, it's just way below ground... and sometimes it's just a matter of making the hole/crater deep enough. Have you tried the WIKI? It's a great source of info... if a little dry. Keep plugging away at modding, though. It gets easier.

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Because of the cel? Water will work in any cell. Select an object near your pond and look at its Z value, then set the wter hight to just below that, and fine tune it to get the desired effect.


One thing to remember though is that this affects the entire cell. This means that if the bottom of your crater crosses into more than 1 cell, you need to eidt all of them. This will also mean that if you have any other parts of land that are lower than the inside of your crater, but are outside the crater, and are within the same cell, they will likely have a section of water over them.


When doing anything with water, you kinda need to plan on a larger scale, and be aware of cell borders.

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hey, ok ive got it working now :) thanks, "This will also mean that if you have any other parts of land that are lower than the inside of your crater, but are outside the crater, and are within the same cell, they will likely have a section of water over them." yeah ive had to rethink the mod but this was just a test to see how water works i started making the 1st properbeta last night and its workin greta so far :)
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