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standalone mod follower is not using his spells/just punches


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I am making a mod of a standalone follower that is a mage and a vampire. I have everything that I need, except the follower does not use his spells and he just punches enemies.


I tried setting his level up to 110 and it didn't work

using the creation kit's level up with the player check box did not work

I tried giving him more magicka but that did not work

I thought that it might have been that I gave him expert level spells, but it didn't work after I gave him apprentice level spells


I have his combat ai set to human magic


can someone please help?


I can't post the mod if it is not fixed!

Edited by Catwith777
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Under Stats, try setting the class as EncClassVampire and under AIData, Combat Style, try csvampire and see if that works.

Not sure about the Enclassvampire thing, as that's the class for generic vampire bandits, combatmageelemental might work there too.

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Hey, I don't know if you figured this out yet, but as an experiment, I created a quick vampire follower to see if it would work. It did. He was a Nord Vampire, I set his level at 10-80 @100%, his class as CombatMageNecro, his combat style as csvampire. I didn't play with him enough to see if he would use his vampiric drain spell, but he used the destruction spells I gave him (sparks).

So, we know you can make a vampire follower use magic, now it's just a matter of figuring out whats wrong on your end. If you still need help, post back. Otherwise, carry on. :laugh:

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