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NPC can change their clothes time to time..


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I got some easy ideas on immersive mods, I don't know if this kind of mod exist (If so, pls give me a link) and looking for someone to actually do this kind of mod.


Title: "Not an everyday Clothes" (NaeC)


"Do you find not immersive enough for those Civilian NPC to only have 1 clothes in whole week or even years?."

With this they can change clothes switching by days. Like having two clothes set for him/her and switching 2 clothes day after day. We have some retexture or replacer mods for clothes I think that would be useful if we add it in the CK list.

And also, some vendors will change clothes after their working hours is done..

It might good if we can set up in the MCM.

I got some ideas on how it works, the mod work the same in Sleep Tight where in "Sleep Tight" the clothes will automatically changes when going to sleep while this mod will automatically changes to random clothes when it's 6am or 7am.


I know this kind of mod is a bit not too useful but hey, it's kinda tired and not immersive enough to see same clothes over and over for those Civilian NPC unless their poor enough that can't afford to buy or beggar.



Edit: With this Ideas, I think this will be come in handy with the immersive Laundry(aestheticonly) and Sleep Tight Mod.






Sorry for bad english

Edited by firstlegacy
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The excellent healer follower mod Cerwiden does this to some extent, but that feature is a bit buggy in my game (the rest of her features work quite well). Sometimes she runs around in battle in her underwear, but maybe she is a berserker? I am not a modder, but Cerwiden is the only mod I know of that can change outfits, so I assume it would not be an easy mod to create.

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The idea is fine, but if the idea is to apply changes on global scale accross Tamriel then I'd imagine it would become script intense.

EG: scripts firing evertime you change cells.


On just a select few npc's then I could see this working fine and quite easy to implement.

Say for example you target an actor, open MCM and set the cycle of clothes for that npc.


I have given some thought on how to implement it this way.

Basically use a blank quest with so many empty Alias slots set up as ForceRef with one script that is attached to each AliasRef.

When you target an actor and set their closthes cycle then that actor is forced to the AliasRef.

From that point the alias script handles the clothes changing cycle on certain events.


The limit of this would be how many AliasRef slots you set up in the blank quest.

Say for example 250 slots would mean you could set up 250 npc's for cycle clothing.

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It is easy to do, but a very tediious and laborous job. You have to make a clothing set for everyone and set the day and time when they would change and know a little about them to know what type of clothes they wear. A rich person would wear expensive clothes and has plenty of choices, while a beggar would not change clothes at all.

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What you could possibly do is make various outfits (upper class, middle class, etc...), group them in formlists and run an outfit check on NPCs. If the outfit they're wearing is in one of those formlists, swap it for another in the same list. You could run the outfit check on location change using sLoPpYdOtBiGhOlE's aliases or apply a script to unique NPCs dynamically.

This is just off the top of my head, so there may be some issue here that I haven't though of.

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