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I was already using BOSS, actually (and actually it puts MOO at the bottom of the list, below the bashed patch, dunno what's up with that...), but I didn't use the bashed patch yet. I didn't read on how it worked yet, figured I actually had to build it myself and couldn't just use the one that was showing there. So my hope is that the patch alone will fix everything up I guess. From what I checked those base game files say created 2015, modified 2006, which is kinda ridiculous, lol.


About the BBB thing, couple questions. A skeleton, I found the Ragdoll one, but I realized it says "will overwrite part of Coronerra's Maximum Compatibility Skeleton". So does that mean I should get the other skeleton too (Growlf's), install it first, and then install this one over it to overwrite some parts?

Then, you're saying that if I get Seamless Equipment for HGCE that has the meshes I need right? Does that mean it actually has armor and clothing meshes too? Otherwise, I found BBB for EVE HGEC stock replacer, which I suppose is just that, but not sure. And then I also found HGEC Body with BBB v1dot12 and I'm wondering, would that be a body mesh then? I'm not even sure what's half the stuff it has in that compilation.


Oh, also, yeah I figured I'd use Wrye Bash for mostly everything, but when a mod has an OMOD installation with guide/wizard, and doesn't have the same for BAIN, I'll just use OBMM. Like Darnified UI, for example. Cause I really dunno how to pick between options with Wrye Bash, if even possible, and I definitely don't wanna do manual installs.


Edit: Well the rebuild patch thing gives me like a million options, which I'm gonna promptly NOT touch at all. So if there's anything I need to change here, I'd like to know. It's full of checkboxes (merge patches, replace from IDs, import this, import that...), and it also told me about a couple things from the unofficial patches (and Robert's Male, which I already have disabled so dunno if that does anything) that can be merged, which I assume is something I wanna do so I'll say yes to that.

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I recommend the use OBMM for OMODs method and Wrye Bash for BAINs.


You won't need to install anything else before installing the Ragdoll skeleton.nif ... it includes everything required.


Same goes for the BBB for EVE ... not required if you install Seamless Equipment - HGEC Edition. Install the normal version of EVE, then install the SE- HGEC CORE 24078 download using BAIN. After both those are installed then install the SE- HGEC BBB all-in-1 download using BAIN.


Switch to OBMM and install NoMaaM using the OMOD script to guide you through the options. Make sure you have BSA Redirection enabled with either Wrye or OBMM and that's it ... BBBed skeleton.nif, BBB meshes and BBBed animations.

Edited by Striker879
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Aw man it worked *_* Mostly, at least. There's still a steam on the neck actually, but I have the problem that I love beast races so I'm testing with a Khajiit, and those tend to be exceptions. So dunno if it's just not possible to have seamless necks for them, or there's some special patch for it somewhere or what. I'll try making a "normal" race and see how it looks.


Also, the dates on the files show the same, but dunno, it worked regardless.


On the BBB topic, so all I need is the EVE HGCE, then the Seamless Equipment patch for it, then the Seamless Equipment BBB all-in-1 (always choosing the same body options), and finally the NoMaaM one for animations, in that order?


Edit: Indeed necks are seamless on other races.

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Khajiit Male Body for Oblivion Character Overhaul version 2 (you have OCO v2 installed ... right??). Thought I saw something recently for OCO v2 and female Khajiits but I'm having one of my "senior moments" and can't put my hand on it.


Yup ... EVE, Seamless, Seamless BBB and then NoMaaM (actually NoMaaM could be installed first, last or anywhere in the middle ... it's just animation KF files and the others don't have a single one of those at all).


- Edit - Bingo ... Lunas OCO Khajiit Female Fix

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Hah, I knew someone would make a patch for it, lol. So do I install that one on top of OCO and the Seamless patch for it? Or maybe it doesn't matter given the Seamless patch doesn't even have stuff for Khajiit. Also "senior moments", lmao.


Alright so, I gotta do some stuff for a while, but when I'm done I'm finally gonna try putting everything together. Just one more thing that I'm still wondering. I suppose, in fact, I should just say yes to merging and not touch any of the options when making the bashed patch, right? Oh, and one more, do I leave MOO at the end of the list, below the bashed patch, like BOSS suggests? I read it has to do with MOO using empty leveled lists and the bashed patch deleting them or something, but not quite sure.

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Ya I forgot to answer that MOO/bashed patch question ... when WB rebuilds the bashed patch it looks for empty leveled lists and deletes them. MOO requires it's lists to be empty until the mod is loaded by the game (uses scripts to populate the lists for compatibility reasons ... MOO will work alongside almost any mod). Wrye ignores anything in your load order that's below the bashed patch (which is why you always BOSS then bash). Putting MOO below the bashed patch is normal and required for MOO to work along with the BP.


Yes, install those Khajiit patches after you've installed EVE/Roberts Male and OCO v2. The Seamless can be installed after the Khajiit patches ... the visible skin portions of it's meshes will pick up whichever Khajiit skin texture you installed last (in the land of Replacers, install order is King).


- Edit - On the subject of building/rebuilding your bashed patch ... I just leave the selections as is recommended by Wrye Bash for merging and merging and deactivating (didn't have one of those yet, did you). The only thing I changed once was to turn off the deactivate portion for one mod I was testing to see if it made a difference (it didn't ... the mod was working fine all along, it was just the Detect Life shader replacement was very subtle and easy to not notice).


One caveat ... if you ever need to uninstall a mod that is merged and deactivated you need to rebuild your bashed patch and turn off the deactivation before you can uninstall the mod (which makes sense when you think of it ... the entire mod is merged into the bashed patch, not just some of it).


- Edit 2 - Did I get that right Maskar (saw you lurking).

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Uhm, wait wait, so if I install a bunch of stuff, BOSS it and patch it, including some merges, when I wanna uninstall something that is merged, I need to FIRST make a NEW bashed patch, telling it to NOT deactivate it? And that would activate it, I suppose. So THEN I deactivate myself and uninstall it? What would happen if I uninstall it first, and then make a new bashed patch? I mean, if I make it afterwards I suppose it would just get rid of the stuff I don't even have installed anymore, wouldn't it?

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Best to do it the right way. You'd need to manually rip it out of your Data folder and I don't know for sure ... maybe delete your bashed patch and start with a new blank one from the Template folder, renamed appropriately.


Some roads I don't even try walking down ... just looks like too much work when the right way is right there in front of me.


Get into the habit of activating and deactivating mods from within the Wrye Mods tab ... it won't let you shoot off your entire foot.


- Edit - Was getting worried Ike ... thought maybe that Internet problem had succeeded in cramming you down it's throat (must have no taste buds or something if it could do that).

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Uhm, well yeah it's not like I wanna go and delete the files manually or something, I don't even wanna go there, lol. But I mean, it just sounds kinda weird, I gotta make a new patch BEFORE I uninstall something that's merged? THEN uninstall it, and THEN make ANOTHER bashed patch, I suppose, since that something isn't installed anymore? Just seems like the intuitive thing would be to uninstall something (through Wrye Bash, I'm always talking, not manually), and then make a new bashed patch, regardless of it being merged or not. But I don't know and that's why I ask so much :P

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Hey, dudes!


My internet connection is again dancing the lambada, most likely because we have a strong storm around.


In the meanwhile, you covered lots of kilometers and are really far ahead me.


I don't use the Bashed Patch nor Wrye Bash, so you are also out of my league now. And not sure which is the state of Ragnaros installation right now. I'll pay attention to your posts from now on (until the storm kicks me off the Internet again) to try to figure what'a happening.



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