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Sorry, grocery store run and then some play time ... you know that all work no play thing ... I'm dull enough right out of the box, don't need any help.

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Yeah, unfortunately EVE seems to only range from C to E so there's nothing too "impossible" in there, lol.


By the way, you two are amusing when together, lol.


Also, if I may, I'd like to ask for suggestions on another topic, while I install and test all this. With characters covered, I'm looking into making the environments look better, but I don't want any fancy HDR mumbo jumbo and whatnot (did I sound old enough?), cause it mostly murders my performance. Textures, on the other hand, is something I seem to be able to improve a decent amount with no noticeable FPS loss. And then there's just overall "make things look nicer" without actually touching much effects or textures, simply reworking environments, adding variety in fauna or flora, etc.


So I was looking at Qarls Texture Pack III, but I dunno if it has texture size options. I don't think I can handle something like quadruple size, I'm aiming something more like double. Then there's Natural Environments which sounds nice, but I'm not exactly sure how it does all it does, and dunno if it'll have a performance hit. And finally there's Unique Landscapes Compilation, which sounds like it shouldn't affect performance at all, but I'm not too sure on how much it changes things and whatnot. Given I haven't played Oblivion in ages, I don't want a world that's radically different from vanilla, since I kinda wanna see how it really is. That said, if some location is terribly dull and boring, that's when I wouldn't mind a bit of a rework.

So what's your opinion on all that? And, if any, do you have any other suggestions?

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The UL series will make at least some changes to all but a handful of cells outside of the cities. Quarls has more Reduced, Redimized, ReWhatevered versions than you could shake a stick at (obviously I'm not in the oh, oh got to make it look better camp). Ike will be able to direct you more on what works and what just works your hardware to it's knees.


If you want to see some of the "possibilities" check out SetBody Reloaded Blockhead Edition ... more flavours than Baskin Robins and no lineup (well no lineup once the weather finally gets nice).


So you think Ike brings out the best in me ... or is it the best of the worst, or maybe worst of the best ... hope not the worst of the worst. I try to do my best besting him in the :ninja: category ... :laugh:


- Edit - ... only 1/2 of one :ninja: ... I didn't really have much to add value beyond my usual old stick in the mud.

Edited by Striker879
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Hey, Rangaros!


First, as the creator and OP of this thread, you are entitled to change the subject and ask for anything you need to know.


What I don't know is why you find us amusing. We usually are deadpan serious.


*me giggles*




Don't use that Qarl's pack. Use instead the Redimized version, more performance-friendly. It has no omod version, but I strongly recommend you to use it. The one you picked is a resources-eating monster. Moreover, the Redimized comes with the needed patches.


About Natural Weather and Unique Landscapes, both are, in fact, a little bit resources-consuming. I could not use them in my old rig, neither in my bro-in-law rig. And Unique Landscapes is a nightmare for compatibility with house and quest mods. Both of them are worth the effort, indeed.


If your graphics card can handle it, have a look at Oblivion Reloaded by Alenet. It will add a tonload of FX effects to your game, but it leaves you the option to decide which ones to apply.


Here goes Ninja Master. Let's see what he has to say.



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Hm, alright, wasn't sure if there were multiple options for Quarls since the download section is basically 11 parts of one thing, lol. Guess he just put everything together in one big segmented download.


I see there's... "anatomically correct" Khajiit... well that's something. Dunno how they wear armor. Or anything.


But regardless, I've come into another little bump. When installing Seamless for EVE BBB, I see some options I'm not familiar with. There's SpicyFox Vanilla Armor Addon and Replacer, HGEC More Revealing Standard Armor E-Cup and HGEC More Revealing Standard Armor E-Cup BBB. Are those things for those who also have those mods installed, or are they standalone versions and I could install them if I wanted to?


Edit: asdfds I totally missed Ike's post, damn ninjas. I'll check out that Redimized thing, and I suppose I'll stay away from the other two based on what you're saying. No big deal. I figured Oblivion Reloaded was kinda the most performance-intense of the lot, isn't it? From what I saw it asks to have a bunch of stuff enabled that normally I don't, like HDR, specular stuff and whatnot. Also V-Sync, which I don't even know if it's possible in windowed mode (it keeps crashing in fullscreen).


Edit 2: To clarify, my main weak point is, indeed, my graphic card. I absolutely MUST disable dynamic shadows in pretty much any game that has them, which has a huge impact on my FPS. Texture size usually seems to not affect my performance at all, somehow... Glowy things and flashy effects tend to have a noticeable performance hit. I really don't know much technical stuff, I tend to just have some FPS counter and touch everything till I get a good looks-to-performance balance. Then there's things like anti-aliasing and anisotropic filtering which I usually can use but keep relatively low, depending on the game. I never remember which is which, honestly, but I know one has a bigger hit than the other.

Edited by Rangaros
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All that Spicy Fox et al stuff is for if you have those mods installed ... not needed at this point.


The trouble with the anatomically correct Khajiit is compatible armor/clothes ... you're limited to what's available.


If you're just looking for a bit of better, without too much of a performance hit, have a look at Weather All Natural or it's predecessor Enhanced Weather (which is the one I use because it had a patch to fix a weather problem with the old version of Kvatch Rebuilt I use with my alt start mod).

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Yep, Ragnaros, let's forget about OR then, your card would not survive the ordeal.


Most of the patches for the Seamless Equipment (if not all) require the original mods to be installed before. Don't use the patches if you don't have the mod they are intended for.



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Alrighty, I'll just get Quarl's Redimized then, good enough. Say, I also found something called OblivionScriptOptimization looking around, cause you know, always looking for performance improvers. Any of you have any experience on it? Cause as much as in theory it sounds awesome, "free performance boost" things sound kinda suspicious.


Also, one little detail I'm not 100% sure about. SInce I was left a bit scared with that whole bashed patch merging thing, now I wonder, what if I install some stuff, patch it and merge some things, and then I simply wanna add more things, without removing anything. Do I simply add the new stuff and rebuild the patch, or do I have to do some weird middle step regarding the merged stuff?


Edit: Hey, what do you know, something new came up :tongue: I'm getting some esp's that Wrye Bash says they can be merged, but are tagged that they SHOULDN'T be merged (NoMerge). But by default they come checked on the list. Should I uncheck them and tell it to not merge or deactivate those? It's EVE_StockEquipmentReplacer and EVE_KnightsoftheNine.

Edited by Rangaros
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Hmmmmmm, I did not know about that Oblivion Script Optimization. Sounds quite reasonably. Let's do something. You try it, and if you survive, tell us and PERHAPS we will try it too.


I don't use a Bashed Patch because I have come to develop my own way to merge mods one with the other. However, something that I have thought of... what if before you merge anything on your bashed patch, you backup it? then, if you want to uninstall the last thing you installed, you could restore the previous bashed patch and no need to rebuild it.


But if you want uninstall something that is five backups old, then you will need to rebuild the bashed patch again. Or something. Hmmmmmmm, not as a good idea as seemed.



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