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My Goodness, Striker, I did USE those punched cards back in my day. And a green phosporus monitor. The CPU of that monster was the size of my mattress right now. It was an IBM, by the way. Not mine, college.


Going to bed now. I know I did not put my finger in your nose today, sorry.



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The dinosaur and the protoplasm ... what a pair.


You know Ike, you can pick your friends or you can pick your nose ... but you can't pick your friends nose.


Mentioned that just in case you weren't too sure. LOL


Night Mary Ellen ...

Night Johnboy.

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Ooh, you're from Spain? I'm from Argentina :tongue: But I do that too, when I read/write or talk/hear English a lot it just sticks and I start even talking to myself in English. Then sometimes I realize I'm doing it and it gets really awkward, lol. And then half the time I keep doing it anyway cause I'm just so used to it.



Well, esp's are still a mystery to me. Simply replacing files with others (or adding files to be used instead of the vanilla ones) is a simple concept, but just what the heck an esp (or even esm) does internally is still a mystery to me. I just settle on knowing that if something has an esp or esm it does more than simply replace files, and that esp or esm is telling the game to do something different than its normal behavior.



Edit: And then I realize that in the time I wrote this I missed like 3 posts, cause I didn't notice the new page =_=


"you punched cards", LOL that sounds even worse than what it was.



Edit 2: Alright, time for something different. Now that my thirst for graphical customizing has been quenched, I'm moving onto the second most important item in my list. I'm looking for mods that make the 3rd person camera... less terrible. I'm a 3rd person player, what can I say. I don't find it more immersive to only see my character's arms, and I much rather see how cool he/she looks overall while doing... whatever he/she does. I already got one called ChaseCameraMod, which basically makes it so the 3rd person camera is less... nauseating. It removes all that weird swing delay and elasticity, and basically makes it behave like a normal game that was actually made to be played in 3rd person.


That said, it doesn't change the fact that the crosshair is still aligned perfectly with your character's freaking head. Which means you can't see squat in front of you. So far I found three mods that change that, two in the same way. Ultimate 3rd Person Camera and Gears of War Camera seem to be the more appropriate ones for what I want, the thing is... they replace the skeleton.nif in the _1stperson folder. And I suppose that'd most likely break some of the stuff I've been doing.

The third one is External Camera. This one's different, and it seems to just sort of use a vanity camera of sorts that you can move around. It's just a matter of putting it in an appropriate place to make it playable. The thing is it's pretty weird to actually play with this, basically it's like it detaches the camera from the character, so when you move the camera around it's... well it's hard to explain, but it's really different than how it normally works. It's like if you were playing another character in first person, which is behind yours. So when you move the the mouse, it moves the camera according to that other character's point of view.


So all in all I was just wondering if you knew of some other option to have a nice and playable 3rd person camera. Otherwise I'll just try to get used to that last option, since the first two are obviously not gonna be compatible.

Edited by Rangaros
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You know Ike, you can pick your friends or you can pick your nose ... but you can't pick your friends nose.



I can't? You bet?


*on a single, fluid, cat-like movement, Ike grabs Striker's nose between his index and middle finger knuckles, skeezes hard, releases the nose, turns back, and starts running*



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I use Improved No Crosshair. It removes the crosshair in both 1st person and 3rd person until you get close enough to activate the object. When you go into sneak mode it displays the sneak crosshair/eye ... that's how you judge your archery/spell aim for longer shots. I play in 1st person almost exclusively (switch to third person before going to bed to avoid the 1st to 3rd switch as you enter the bed courtesy of See You Sleep DLL). Can't say if it would help you or not.


Ike ... it's not nice to grab someone's nose hairs. I'm attached to them you know. Maybe I could braid them some day.


- Edit - About what ESP/ESMs do vs a simple replacer ... using a replacer there can only be one of any asset in the game as you are simply replacing the item found in Oblivion.esm (which points the game engine to load meshes/textures/icons etc from Oblivion - Meshes.bsa, Oblivion - Textures - Compressed.bsa etc). Archive invalidation allows us to put a file in the correct folder path and the game will load that file instead of the one in the vanilla game BSA if the replacement is newer than the original (which is why Steam users need to reset their BSA file dates). Using a simple replacer and archive invalidation you could have every fur cuirass in the game AA-cup or H-cup, but you can't have both at the same time (you could have fur cuirass H-cup and chainmail cuirass AA-cup though ... they use different meshes).


The game engine loads assets from an ESM file before it looks to see if there are any ESP files. ESMs are the masters ... ESPs can modify a master or can add a new asset to the game. Using an ESP you could add a DMRA fur cuirass to the game for your character while every other fur cuirass in the game is AA-cup via a replacer + archive invalidation.

Edited by Striker879
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Well, actually I'm not even sure how it is in vanilla with the crosshair, I'm using DarnifiedUI and that gives you the option to show or hide the crosshair in the different cameras, so really dunno anymore what's vanilla like, lol.


Also, did they really need to do that date thing? I mean come on, just tell the game to always prioritize using added files over the defaults in the bsa (still needing archive invalidation maybe). What's the need of telling it "but it also needs to be newer" =_=



You two keep poking inside each other's noses and soon someone's gonna have fingerprints on their brain.



Edit: Well I just realized it was Robert's esp that made it possible to have different tails for male and female Khajiit =_= So guess I'll go back to renaming the files with RT and using it. Least I'm still learning more things, lol.

Edited by Rangaros
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Steam believes they own the entire planet and can do whatever they like with it.


The most reliable way to identify a new replacement file is by file date ... that's why it was chosen as the method for BSA Redirection. When was the last time you arbitrarily changed a file date? The only ways I know are to edit a file (in which case it would be newer and maybe that's the one you'd want to use) or use a file date changing utility.


You may get the impression I'm not a big Steam supporter ... could be you're not far off the mark.

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Lol, well alright then. It just seems silly considering the game uses bsa for vanilla things, while modded things are outside those bsa files. So couldn't it simply identify them that way? It's not a vanilla bsa = takes priority. Dunno, just throwing ideas.

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Plenty of mods also use BSAs instead of loose files and folders. All that is required is the BSA file name needs to match the ESP file name. What you are suggesting would work if BSAs were exclusive to the vanilla game.


In older methods of archive invalidation you had to edit files each time etc ... BSA Redirection is the way to go after you un-Steam your game.

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I even have one mod of two of myself in bsa format. I should continue to do this bsa-ing my mods, but I always forget.


By the way, Striker, what you said about your nose hair reminded me of my aunt Rigoberthe. Se loved to braid her eyebrows. But when she turned 107 she decided to go for a punk-rock look and nowadays shaves her eyebrows.



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