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Some think my eyebrows are big grey fuzzy caterpillars ... and I try to keep them somewhat trimmed (must avoid the uni-brow).

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Well, I specifically said "vanilla" bsa. I know mods add their own bsa files, but I just mean the ones that come with the game. Or do any mods replace some vanilla bsa file with their own?


Besides, if a mod uses bsa files, there won't ALSO be those same files loose outside in some folder. So it wouldn't matter anyway, since there's no loose files that could override the ones in the bsa.



P.S: I actually have pretty much an unibrow.

Edited by Rangaros
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I've not heard of any mods replacing the vanilla BSAs.


In any case BSA Redirection works a treat, as long as Steam doesn't get in the way.

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