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Hobos Need Mods Too...


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Alright, so I've started a new character, and he's a hobo. I've had a mage character, a fighter character, a main quest character, like 10 dark brotherhood characters, a thieves guild character, and one of those 'kill everything in sight' characters. Wanting something new, I now have a hobo. He lives under some stairs in bravil, and I have a bedrolls mod, so he has a place to sleep, and I've added depth by having him be a drunk, and a skooma and felldew addict. However, he's overencumbered with his drugs and booze D: the only non-house, player owned storage that I've found is a summonable chest, which disappears after I put stuff in it, or the Bag of Holding, which stays mostly in your inventory. I think that it'd be cool if someone could make some sort of 'Beggar's Food Bag' mod, where I could summon a tiny bag in which I could put drugs and booze and food, and have it be stationary, or if, like the bedrolls mod, i could have the option of picking it up or not, instead of having to resummon it every time I want to use it.


Also, since he's a hobo, he has no source of income. Therefore, it would also be cool if someone could make a mod that adds a speech option when talking to people, you could try to mooch money from them, which normal beggars do, and it's totally unfair that they get to ask for coins, and your character never does D:


So anyways, if there are any modders out there who are bored or something, or if they think that having more mod options for hobo characters sounds like a good idea, please consider my mod ideas, and since I'm totally hopeless at making mods, it would be awesome if someone could make them for me :3



And if anybody thinks that a hobo character is a good idea, you should make one! They're lovable when they're not hungover!

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I think that it'd be cool if someone could make some sort of 'Beggar's Food Bag' mod, where I could summon a tiny bag in which I could put drugs and booze and food, and have it be stationary, or if, like the bedrolls mod, i could have the option of picking it up or not, instead of having to resummon it every time I want to use it.


If you're using COBL and OBSE, check 'Portable Sorter - COBL'.

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lol that's the spirit. Remember, if someone asks you about the Gray Fox, tell them nothing till they bribe you. It should be easy for someone to make a mod that has a "coin please" topic that gives a couple coins if the npc likes you once a day.
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For a Hobo I would recommend backpacks and Random tasks. This way your hobo can have a non/less violent income


random tasks



backpacks (they even have a mug on the back :happy: )



And I have recently found new hobo like clothes found at:



and who can forget the classic Smokeable Pipe Mod (hobos can still smoke :tongue: )



Good luck on your homeless adventures




I found this one especially for this topic. It is called "Be A Beggar"



And I also forgot Vector. It is a disease overhaul, and for a Hobo it may be very useful. I am sure that if you wish to assume the role of a hobo you will find some of the features of this great mod quite amusing :thumbsup:


Edited by tttttt
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Wow, thanks to everybody who found these mods, I'll definetely try out the disease overhaul and the begging, but for storage, the bag of holding and the COBL sorter aren't really what I'm looking for, I really just want a box that I can put near my bedroll, nothing super fancy or inventory based D: but I'm super looking forward to infecting people and mooching money off of them, it's gonna be great :3 thanks again for finding hobo mods for me, I really appreciate it!!
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