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[LE] Change Outfit at end of Quest for NPC


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Misuse of keywords causes untold errors, remove it, your not doing anyone any favours here.. 

If ya do not believe me, do this, 😈 go to the scripts tab in quest with that conditional script, make a new script, call it anything you like, make sure there is no new properties but tick the conditional checkbox, come back and tells what happen you compiled it? Make sure you just auto generate the script with the creation kit, like people say do to keep it safe and avoid errors.


no spoilers here find out the hard way 😁


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On 3/12/2025 at 3:12 AM, PeterMartyr said:

Misuse of keywords causes untold errors, remove it, your not doing anyone any favours here.. 

If ya do not believe me, do this, 😈 go to the scripts tab in quest with that conditional script, make a new script, call it anything you like, make sure there is no new properties but tick the conditional checkbox, come back and tells what happen you compiled it? Make sure you just auto generate the script with the creation kit, like people say do to keep it safe and avoid errors.

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no spoilers here find out the hard way 😁


Hi. I left "Conditional" there because I based the script off of FreeformSkyHavenTempleAScript, which has that at the top. It's the one that makes the new recruits change into Blades gear during the Rebuilding the Blades quest. Can you tell me why it should be there for that script, but why it shouldn't be on mine? What's the functional difference between the two?

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The "conditional" keyword on a quest file is useful only if you use the "conditional" keyword on at least one property.

The "conditional" keyword on a property is useful only if you use the "getVMQuestVariable" condition on that property somewhere.

Placing the "conditional" keyword anywhere else can interfere with it's use in other scripts on the same quest.  You cannot attach two scripts marked conditional on the same quest.

The same occurs with the "conditional" keyword on ObjectReference (and Actor) scripts, their properties and the "getVmScriptVariable" condition.

It usually is harmless since that conflict is not so common.

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Your not implementing a conditional quest or object.

Plus copying someone else code, and it being no harm, no fowl, is not really how it works.. you have Error in your code waiting to happen

@xkkmEl my post was about warning less able beginner papyrus user, it not about implementing code, but if monkey see, monkey do, with no harm, no fowl? A good monkey see, monkey do will do it again. Then be incapable of working out what is going on. Yeah, deleting the second script fixes everything, so YAH, it is back to working again, but it is still on the first script, for no reason whatsoever, waiting to strike again.

@powdermelonkeg OK>> the conditional keyword is about implementing Custom Creation Kit "Conditions"  for use in let's say....,  a dialogue topic info.

  1. implement it in code 
    1. script header with the keyword
    2. conditional property
    3. a function to act as a setter for the conditional property (needs no conditional  keyword)
  2. launch the creation kit
    1. make a dialogue topic info
    2. using the begin frag point it to the setter function and call it
    3. using the getVMQuestVariable in the TopicInfo conditions, point to the conditional property
      1. set the bitwise validation (this depend on your requirements)
  3. what it validates depends on the code, so anything really
  4. no getter is required since it only works with auto properties

Congratulation, you just made your first Custom Creation kit Condition, cos what existed was not sufficient for your needs. With  getVmScriptVariable, it can also be used in things like "Packages"

Bottom line if you are not doing that, it is pointless, and it is Error waiting to happen, for "anyone" who see it in a script they are copying, just leave it out cos the Monkey See, Monkey Do Papyrus God will unleash their wrath on you in form of compiler errors, sooner or later.


Remove it OK? Now you know what it does. I will repeat and expand on @xkkmEl you can only be use it once in the script header on any given object, but that script can have many conditional auto properties supporting many custom creation kit conditions.


  • misusing them can cause no compiler errors and work flawlessly until it doesn't
  • forgetting to use one will compile without errors and not work at all
  • but the compiler always tells you what's wrong when come to the crunch
  • it takes a least two scripts to find errors for some keywords
  • most give errors with single script though


On 3/12/2025 at 7:42 PM, PeterMartyr said:

Misuse of keywords causes untold errors, remove it, your not doing anyone any favours here..



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