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News on TES: IV!


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Huh?? :blink: Er... yeah. It appears someone has got rid of the post regardless... er... nevermind. I guess. :huh:


Let's get this back on topic! ;)


*Goes hunting for forum poltergheists* :shifty:

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No, it was a waste of space and I deleted it. :P




WHAT! They stuck us on some godsforsaken island AGAIN, full of snotty elves, AGAIN, away from proper Cyrodillic civilization, AGAIN, and it's probably wierd and ugly and lacking proper trees, AGAIN.


Hopefully it's less ugly than Morrowind. Problem is, the high elves probably have an even bigger stick up their ass...

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well i like the argonians best, something besides the fairys you always see in rpgs, o sorry i mean elives, and in morrowind they speak of House Dren, an argonian island south (i think it was south) of vanderfel, so maby it could incorperate that. Not that it would just what i would like. A grouping of small island that small boats would "fairy" you across fro one to another, a tropical paradice and plenty of space for mods.
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No, it was a waste of space and I deleted it. :P




WHAT! They stuck us on some godsforsaken island AGAIN, full of snotty elves, AGAIN, away from proper Cyrodillic civilization, AGAIN, and it's probably wierd and ugly and lacking proper trees, AGAIN.


Hopefully it's less ugly than Morrowind. Problem is, the high elves probably have an even bigger stick up their ass...

hehe, just to add with the high elves.



Quote Superintendant Charles


"gee, the rod up that guys butt must have a rod up its own butt!"

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well i like the argonians best, something besides the fairys you always see in rpgs, o sorry i mean elives, and in morrowind they speak of House Dren, an argonian island south (i think it was south) of vanderfel, so maby it could incorperate that. Not that it would just what i would like. A grouping of small island that small boats would "fairy" you across fro one to another, a tropical paradice and plenty of space for mods.

Erm... House 'Dres' is in the black marsh, part of the main continent. It is one of the southernmost colonies, south of Vvardenfell. I really don't think Hose Dres will be featured is TES: IV because Summerset Isle is northwest of Black marsh, a very far way away. Like across the continent, through a few woods and over the river far.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well think of the working title, 'oblivion'.


That gives you a clue to whom the major baddies are going to be. Daedra!


And my special hope is that is will feature the return of the Dwemer too,

as all MW evidence seems to point to them being captive in the Daedra world.


Ever wonder why those dremora are always armed with Dwarven hardware?


Personally I would love to see a new engine, and a game with several provinces, on the same scale as Daggerfall....


*Curt dreams*....Ahhhh!


But seriously, it is too early to say.

And Bethstheda will no doubt deny all rumours and

change every released detail of the new game anyway!

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The Daedra's main wepon was the Daedric Crescent, until they were rounded up and burned by the temple. (Don't ask me how they were burned...). Since the Daedra were at war with the Dwemer, the Daedra used the wepaons they took off of dead dwemer soliders. Thats why they carry dwemer stuff.
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Guest HlaaluGirl

I hope that there is another Morrowind game after Tribunal as a continuation of the Main Quest. The Main Quest is like a continuing story that hasn't ended yet. The Nerevarine hasn't finished the prophecy after Tribunal is finished. That's what I want to see.


Anyone agrees?? :rolleyes:

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Remember that guy in Tribunal, the one wich says the world will be sieged by hordes of Daedra so they want to kill themselves in order to be ready for the Daedra.

Maybe that storm of Daedra is now comming and maybe that's why they call it Oblivion (Don't know what it means but in certain contexts it sounds kinda evil).

So far my opinnion.



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