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News on TES: IV!


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Remember that guy in Tribunal, the one wich says the world will be sieged by hordes of Daedra so they want to kill themselves in order to be ready for the Daedra.

Maybe that storm of Daedra is now comming and maybe that's why they call it Oblivion (Don't know what it means but in certain contexts it sounds kinda evil).

So far my opinnion.



Oblivion is an astral meduim in which the Daedra and their minions reside. It is like a neutral heaven. But, the title of the possible expansion does not nessecarily mean that it will occur in Oblivion, or have Daedra as enemies. Imagine how hard it would be to create a space, viod-like game setting.


Stormscape: You are right, the crescent Blade is the main weapon of Mehrunes Dagon's forces in the attack on Battlespire. The Daedric Crescent is the same thing- just a different name.

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Why cant bethesda make tes IV as the whole tamriel. That would have been nice

They can, but many people would probably go insane with the waiting. I think the whole of Tamriel with detail comparable to that of Vvenderfell and Solstein would take about a decade to complete. By then the game would be obsolete, or rather it will probably take an emmulator to make it run (imagine the average 14 year old: "Windows what? XP? Not even my grandparents use that!"). I think a small part of Tamriel is good, so long as it is well done.

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Yeah you are right, this is a crazy thought but if they make Cyrodil as the new TES IV then it will be atleast 6x times larger than morrowind. That will be a large game to go trought alone or i thinks so anyway, why cant bethesda make morrowind playable at lan atleast. They may not make it playable at on-line servers but atleast on lan. That would add some more life to the game, i dont know how bethesda thinks but insted of trying to make cities more life-full then they could make a online elder scrolls then they will not need to built so much life to the cities.
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As far as creating the whole of Tamriel.....


They'd have to come up with a new way of doing things - the current engine gets a little glitchy when you get 100 or so cells away from 0,0. The whole of Tamriel would go well beyond that. if they wanted to, they could do it though.


Once again, the biggest thing would be time - and if you were going to do it, the wnswer would be why? The biggest thing you want to do with each increase in a game is to do something that stretches the envelope further, so if you expect TESIV to look like Morrowind, especially if it is going to be a couple of years out, you're probably going to be disappointed.


There's going to be some big changes in the gameplay, just as there's a lot of difference between the earlier games and Morrowind. I'll be glad when it comes out, and I'll give it a look, but won't compare it to MW, as it will be a new game as far as I'm concerned.

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why cant bethesda make morrowind playable at lan atleast. They may not make it playable at on-line servers but atleast on lan. That would add some more life to the game, i dont know how bethesda thinks but insted of trying to make cities more life-full then they could make a online elder scrolls then they will not need to built so much life to the cities.

EXACTLY! I have been trying for so long to cinvince people that THe next ELder Scrolls series should at least includean online MMORPG aspect...not very many people have followed my ways of thinking.. WE should make a petition and send it to bethesda to make the next one have an online mode....even if it is only over lan :D




Ive too many petitions already, illl only make it if no one else will....

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invisible walls, if u ask me, if it shipped with an editor(it better if it does ship) then you most likely be able to move/delete the walls, also it could be possible like in morrowind to have the world keep expanding, except this time they could have the default wilderness that was generated wilderness that was populated by trees/monsters etc.
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also it could be possible like in morrowind to have the world keep expanding, except this time they could have the default wilderness that was generated wilderness that was populated by trees/monsters etc.

That is what they had in Daggerfall, I think. The world was randomly generated on and on eternally into the horizon.

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