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News on TES: IV!


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I hope they don't get to cheap or to linear, one of morrowinds greatst aspects is it's balance of size vrs. quality and still compatable with so many systems (though I hear a lot of issues with some older PC's) I think what needs to change is the terrible combat system, now I know a very good computer programer that is intrested in modifiying some of the hardwired data to morrowind to make a upgrade, not a plugin, he's not a modder though I try to turn him into one. Anyway if he's succesfull you might not have to wait untill TES: IV to get a better morrowind, but I'm sure whatever Beshesda makes will be worth the wait. I'll just pretend that sea dog's game never happened.
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Yeah with just some few fighting styles. I think it would be cool if they added some new fighting styles on tes IV like a jumping cut or something like that. And if they could add some new ways to use a sword, if you want to hold the sword upside down then you should be avaible ti do it and not just hold it up in the air.


And some online is great, and I want to have that petition so it maybe will be online. Or bethesda could just release a online expansion to the game that lets the player play online. That would be good.

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MAybe actual swordfighting, such as you can sneak up behind smoeone and slit their throat, or stab someone in the chest and they die, or decapita.....well, maybe not that last one. Something tells me they want to keep it at a "t" rating [for those who buy games rated by the ESRB]
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Ok guys seems this is veering a bit OT, this thread is for news on TES IV, not the TES IV Wishlist :P and if they made it a MMORPG I would personally go and kill whoever made that evil petition :P and anyone who signed it :shifty: :halloween: ahem. Anyway, let's get this back on topic shall we? :P
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hopefully they dont be stupid like valve, and announce their release date, ever since valve lied about it, and got hacked into, i couldnt care less if half-life 2 comes out, i couldnt care if i never get to play it, ive got my mind set on doom 3, REALISM! ;)


but if they do announce something like 2 years from now....i aint gonna be happy..i mean....everyone will be able to play morrowind with 6x anti aliasing (4xs for you geforce people)a d at 1600x1200 smoothly....maybe theyll make it ahead of its time again...that always seems to boost the money for ATI and NVidia

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Amiga OS was ahead of its time. Daggerfall was in-line. Arena was behind the tiems in graphics

Morrowind was ahead of it's time. based on current trends. It'll be just in line...

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hopefully, they make it like the nature scene in 3dmark2001....phwoar...no one would be able to run it smoothly, unless they can figure out a way to use less polyons, but take advantage of the vertex and pixelshaders more effectively, vertex they can use for a furry appearance on tigers...pixel shaders for surfaces...or even hardware displacement mapping, for the mountains
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