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Subscriber instructions need editing


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I made a payment through Paypal yesterday and missed the link back to Gaming source. That prevented my registration from being completed. I assumed I was at fault, but when I returned to the Subscription Top up page I found this near the bottom.



When you have made your payment PayPal will verify the payment has been processed. DO NOT close your browser. Please click the "Return to GS to continue" link in the bottom-left corner to complete your payment.


So I went through the process again, intent on looking for that link back to Gaming Source and this is what it looked like.



You see, it doesn't say "Return to GS to continue" it just says "Return to Merchant"


I think the instructions need to be changed to match that link on the Paypal page. I've seen another person who complained about their supporter submission not going through getting blamed for not following the instructions. I ask how can they if the instructions are not accurate? And how can I get my first payment to count?

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Making that notice much larger would have helped. I just missed it entirely, but I am being changed $40. Can anything be done? I'm all for supporting this place, but $40 is a lot of money for me to be spending on a hobby, even one I enjoy greatly, and $80 is out of the question, I can't pay again....
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Of course it can, I'm not in the business of stinging people out of their money, especially ones that are helping the cause!


If you send me the email you paid with and the name you paid under (for verfication) then I'll credit your account with the relevent time.


EDIT: Nevermind, I can recognise the payment. I'll credit your account now.

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