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What's the beef with Steam?


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I don't mind it going online and checking the serial number to make sure it's legit, but I hate the mandatory updates! When I got New Vegas in the mail, I had to wait an entire weekend while the stupid thing updated (I'm on dial-up) before I could play! By then it was Monday and I hate to wait another week until I was off work to play again. I miss the good old days when you could just put a dvd in the pc and play!
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The same good ole day where games were only released after 110% working?


That being said, DJZeph brought up a good point. I've got a good 15 games that I have discs for. Of which, I think about a half-dozen required discs. Now, for the most part I have disc images I can mount, because they were old games, with no copyright protection stuff. But with a newer game, Bad Company 2, I registered it via disc, because I was in an anti-Steam mode. Now, I'm like... dang it, I want Steam now. Because every time I want to play Bad Company 2, I have to find the disc. Organization isn't my strong point, so every CD I don't have to keep up with is awesome. I've considered re-installing BC2 just so I can register it with Steam.

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whats the beef?


well as others have said, ill complain about the same thing. sometimes the smallest thing can make you not want to play a game or use an app. things that members have already brought up that im also annoyed about with steam:


updating reverts back to auto-update even when you change it. like a few people, i actually like to know what a patch does especially with games. i like to see if there have been any problems, then make my own damn decision if i choose to update or not.


not being able to login or play offline. i a laptop & a desktop. the laptop does 99% of net-related things and the desktop is for gaming & video. its an annoying hassle to have to change settings on the A/V & firewall, plug the cable in, then wait for things to update. whats the point of having offline play if most of the time it doesnt work?

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What's wrong with STEAM?


What's right with STEAM more like.


STEAM is like having a little kid in the room while you're trying to game, a little kid who is constantly doing everything possible to try and prevent you having any fun and constantly trying to sell you rubbish you dont want.

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whats the point of having offline play if most of the time it doesnt work?

I havn't had any problems with FONV, and I only play in offline mode.

dont read this as being sarcastic because it isnt. but you're lucky. lol i wish my steam worked as well as yours does.

Edited by The1Doc
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So your telling me the newly released Mac version of Steam works better than the Windows one? Well, sucked in then.


I think that's always a given. Windows is infamous for issues, period. Mac has been epitomized as THE computer, with a higher price tag. That being said, I'm a Linux guy, so I'm impartial here.

Edited by RZ1029
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I use Steam a lot. Probably too much to be honest, but without them many good independent games would have slipped past me. Steam and I have a love/hate relationship. Steam can be positively maddening at times; when it tries to update 3 or 4 games at once and completely freezes, when I tell it to not check the TF2 cache 4 times in an hour, etc, but overall I'm glad I use it when I see the dwindling stock of PC games at the local stores.
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My beef with steam?


1. Auto-updates when I don't want it to.

2. Spams me with ads for products that I'm never going to buy.

3. Ridiculous folder structure making it a pain to mod any game for it.

4. Steam takes a long time to start, then spams me with ads and the main window.

5. Utter waste of space on my hard drive.

6. Runs in the background, so it uses up some of my comp's resources. I don't like unnecessary processes taking away from performance. Period.

7. The fact that I have to install any 3rd party program to play a game is annoying.

8. Doesn't want to shut down because steam programs are still running, when they clearly are NOT. (Use Task Manager instead)

9. Can't play any steam games without steam running.

10. Steam is Steam

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