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ENB glitches out after a bit


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So my ENB works fine for the most part usually when I load up Skyrim, but when I move cells sometimes after ~30 minutes. (Example when I left Whiterun to the world of Skyrim) my ENB will have these weird lens flares and pixel artifacts.




I disable adaption and some settings in the Shift + Enter ENB menu and it depletes some things:




This is when I disable global effects (disable the ENB):




Here's what it looks like when I enable it back:






for some reason, when I look up at the sky - it goes back to normal.




but when I look down it goes all black and weird lens flare glitch happens.




What I use:


RealVision ENB Option B full & it's recommended mods.

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These are artifacts caused by overexerting your GPU. If you are overclocking, reduce the overclock.

I had this problem before, turns out deffered rendering was disabled.





it's been like this in my enblocal.ini


Also, I do not overclock my GPU

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