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Oblivion level cap mod?


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Hi Legedur


The one I use is "Natrual Wildlife" http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/2063/?

there are probably others... but for me this one gets it about right.


Thank you, looks interesting. There are so many mods! And when you google for "must have oblivion mods", many lists are outdated and still, not quite complete. And there are newer mods that are good, that have few downloads and unless you dig for them, they 're not in the "must have lists"...



@ Grogrokl



After what you said, i think i will disable the +5 mod and leave the other one on. I also checked again the Realistic Leveling and still can't figure what needs to be changed. I have also another doubt. Since this makes all skills count for advancement, doesn't it mean that when you level up, your "main" skills will be inferior to the opponents (the opposite problem)? At any case, i am level 3 right now, using the 2 mods above, at 50% game difficulty and i am good. But i think i will drop the +5 mod.


The trouble is, i don't know... Don't the enemies use the same rules as you to level up? I mean, how do they behave? Do they have fixed attributes for each level or what...

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Yes, realistic leveling has a very bad documentation. I had to do lots of searches in its thread in order to understand exactly what it does and I had to do calculations in order to verify that what it does is balanced.

To change skill progression rate in RL just change this value in the ini "setGS fSkillUseFactor". Don't forget to uncomment the line first. A value of 0.56 equals 2x slower, 0.73 equals 3x slower and so on.

Regarding the other settings in RL my recommendation is to not change anything. The default settings almost perfectly resembles (on average at least) the values you would have in vanilla at a given level using a "+3 in all stats mod". Basically it resembles someone playing vanilla without trying to optimize anything. So for power levelers the game will become much harder if they use RL but for the casual gamer the game will be about equally hard.

The only tweak I've made myself was changing "setGS fStatsHealthLevelMult" from 0.1 to 0.05. This makes my character only get half as much health for each level up as he normally would. The reason I changed this was because I wanted a harder game and because I wanted the PC to resemble NPCs better because in vanilla Oblivion NPCs only get half as much health for each level up as the PC but with the setting I made both will now only get half which will make PCs and NPCs more equal and the game harder.

Also another good thing about RL is you don't have to start over, you can install it any time. It will automatically adjust your level and all your attributes to new levels based on its formula and your skill levels.

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I see what you mean about having more skills at a certain level, but don't creatures/enemies follow the same rules too?



No. NPCs only get, on average, 11.9 skill points for each level up. The player gets (in vanilla) 10 skill points at minimum and that happens if you only increase your majors during a level up and not a single minor skill. In reality the player usually ends up with perhaps 20 skill increases or so per level up. And theoretically its possible for the player to get an endless amount of skill increases for each level up - just make sure you only increase your minor skills and not your major skills. And if you don't sleep, you can get an endless amount of increases in your majors as well. You can have 200 in each skill while still being level 1 if you don't sleep, and at the same time the NPCs you are facing will also be lvl 1 but only have like 30 in their skills.


And with the mod "Leveling Quick Fix" the minimum amount of skill increases/level for the player increases from 10 to 20 making the game much easier.


With RL on the other hand its impossible to abuse the system by only focusing on your minors, try to do that and you will level up anyway.

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1) Thanks for the explanation. I found the voice setGS fSkillUseFactor, but what do you mean by "uncommenting first"? Sorry, but i am a newbie in the game and not a mod expert. I have Oblivion Mod manager do handle things and BOSS, exactly so that i don't have to mess with the inis myself. What am i supposed to do to "uncomment"?


2) Since all skills in RL count for the leveling up, doesn't this penalize the player and makes NPCs stronger, if as you say, NPCs get 11.9 skill points (i assume for their major skills), while you share with your minor skills?


3) If set 0.56 as you say, i am not penalized compared to the enemies, right?

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1. By uncomment I mean removing the semicolon at the beginning of that line. Every line that begins with a semicolon in the ini will be ignored by the game engine when it reads the ini. So you can type whatever you want after a semicolon without risk of destroying anything.


2. No because more than 10 skill increases is usually required in RL to level up. Also it isn't actually skill increases that advances your level in RL, instead it is the experience points you gain in skills.


3. No, you only level up slower.

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1. By uncomment I mean removing the semicolon at the beginning of that line. Every line that begins with a semicolon in the ini will be ignored by the game engine when it reads the ini. So you can type whatever you want after a semicolon without risk of destroying anything.


2. No because more than 10 skill increases is usually required in RL to level up. Also it isn't actually skill increases that advances your level in RL, instead it is the experience points you gain in skills.


3. No, you only level up slower.


Thanks, for the explanations. I found here however, by googling, another discussion, where this guy implies that the max level is what determines how fast you level:



But the thing that determines when you level up is this setting in its ini file:

set aaRealisticLeveling.levelMax to 75

What it means is that when all your skills have reached 100, your level will be 75. Assume your average starting skill is 10. That means that you have 21 * (100-10) = 1890 skill-ups in your game to reach 100 in all skills. And with a levelMax setting of 75, that means that you will level up 74 times in this span. Which again means that you will need 1890/75 = 25.2 major+minor skill-ups per level. Reduce levelMax, and you will level up slower, and increase it for faster leveling




So, what's going on here! Do i have to change that too?


Also, since my current game is already going with 20 skills per level instead of 10. If i activate RL with half speed, will it see the correct values or will it apply half of the half = 1/4 of normal leveling speed?


Duh, i don't know, it makes my head spin...

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That setting increases your leveling rate in a very different way.


My setting reduces how much experience points you gain in a skill each time you use it. Less experience points/use means that your skills will advance slower but also that your level will advance slower.


That setting on the other hand changes how much experience points is needed for your level to increase. When this setting is set to default (65) it means that when all your skills has reached 100 all your attributes have also reached 100 and your level has reached 65.


If you increase this number it means that less experience points is needed to increase a level. If you set it to 75 it means that when all your skills has reached 100, all your attributes has also reached 100 and your level has reached 75. This will make your character weaker compared to enemies because it will not be until level 75 he has reached 100 in all attributes and skills.


If you on the other hand lowers this setting to 55 your character will become stronger compared to his enemies. Because now you will have reached 100 in your skills and attributes already at level 55.


I recommend not touching this setting because it will make the game harder/easier. 65 (default) is the optimal number IMO. It closely corresponds to having a "+3 in attributes" mod installed and it corresponds well to how much attribute points the casual player is expected to get/level up (which Oblivion is most likely balanced around) and it correspond well to how much attribute points NPCs get/level up. So 65 is a very sound number in many ways and will prevent your character both from becoming overpowered and underpowered.

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Thank you again! What a mess Bethesda did! How can they make a game with so glaring problems is vital mechanisms such as leveling. I think though i will wait for the next playthrough, because i am afraid it may have problem retroactively calculating my stats, due to the current mod i have. I think i will run this now, then RL and then Maskar's (hopefully by then he will have a bugdfix verion). And see which suits me better. I like some Maskar's additions, but it appeared much harder to me. Although i wasn't gaining any skills because of the bug, so that may be the cause.


Thanks again though. At least now i have more alternatives to pick from. I would have never made it to use RL without your help!

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Also, since my current game is already going with 20 skills per level instead of 10. If i activate RL with half speed, will it see the correct values or will it apply half of the half = 1/4 of normal leveling speed?

If you active RL it won't affect how much experience points you have collected so far. So all your skills will be unchanged. What it does change is your attributes and your level which will be recalculated based on RL's formula and your skills.

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Also, since my current game is already going with 20 skills per level instead of 10. If i activate RL with half speed, will it see the correct values or will it apply half of the half = 1/4 of normal leveling speed?

If you active RL it won't affect how much experience points you have collected so far. So all your skills will be unchanged. What it does change is your attributes and your level which will be recalculated based on its formula and your skills.



OK, so i guess it would be safe... Thanks a lot!

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