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Oblivion level cap mod?


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I see. Yes, i only had those 2 mods i posted about earlier. Thanks. I find alchemy a bit weird. In the sense, that, yes, i know the difference between retort, calcinator, etc, but there are so many ingredients that i can't keep track of the potions i make. I just pick one ingredient at a time and see with what can be combined and go on. But there is no potion that i have "learnt by heart". I just try to buy or pick restore health and magicka ingredients for myself, other potions i sell.

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Haven't explored alchemy enough yet so cannot give any good advice. So far I've just been collecting plants and made some restore fatigue potion in order to level up my alchemy skill and earn some money on selling it.


Well, i use shield and sword warrior and fatigue is never a problem, so i sell most of the fatigue potions i make. They are the most common to make too (most ingredients are fatigue). I 've made it up to Journeyman last time i was level 8, i had made potions with 3 ingredients. But it's more doing it on luck. I mean, it's easy with 2. As long as 2 ingredients have a common effect, you will get a potion with that effect. And retort for positive effects, calcinator better for poisons. Damage health is the best poison i use and damage magicka against casters.



I also found today a mod called "Archery Rebalance" and WOW! I am trying it now, huge difference in archery! Like in finally the bow has good range. I never understood why in vanilla game, the bow had such short range. I had to calculate for a parabolic trajectory, aiming above the target most of the time, to compensate for the arrow dropping before reaching target. Now you can kill from safe distance!

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