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Laura Croft's Pistols


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Um, excuse me.


Could someone mod these http://www.tomb-raider.wikia.com/wiki/Pistols these ones right here :






into the game for me?


That is, if you wouldn't mind.


I've already got my female dovahkiin dressed liked Laura, now all I need is for her to have the pistols.


I would also like for her to be able to use one in her right hand and one in her left hand. Maybe dual wielding. Oh and infinite ammo would be very nice too, that is... if it's not too much trouble, if so I'm sorry.



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sorry but i doubt it's gonna be made. simply because of how long it took for the current gun mods (which are still not finished, and mostly abandoned) to get where they are. also the issue with making custom models is another turn off.

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